September 2011

Thesis Statement: Mass media can have profound effects on all young minds and consequently target a younger demographic. Ad and television campaigns in America are detrimental to our youth’s grasp on reality and the practicality of financial burden on the country because of the ad’s desirable tactics.

New technology has connected the world politically, socially, and economically,  society should embrace the new technology and take advantage of it.

In todays gaming world, children and young teens are desensitized to violence in video games; and percentages will not decrease.  

In today’s world, mass media glamorizes women negatively  through advertisements, movies, television, and magazines, creating an large impact on female teenagers.

Video Games are not the first form of entertainment to include terrifying acts of violence.  

Technology is not perfect, but it has changed our lives in a drastically positive way.

As technology progresses through time the more opportunities their are for jobs, socializing, and up to date news around the world.  

Young people are being exposed to the media more than ever before, so I believe that alcoholic companies are soliciting their products to them.

Although there are strong believers that protest against the use of technology it seems to be quite clear that technology connects people worldwide and does almost everything but separate us from the real world when used correctly.  

Society uses technology in their everyday lives, and they are dependent on it more then they should.

Technology can be something great when used in the right way but our dependency on it is not and has the potential for disaster.

The increase in technology shows that our society is growing and progressing.

As we go into a newer generation, we are becoming more dependent on technology. It’s becoming a necessity in life to know how to use all these new inventions. Younger children know how to operate more technologies than their parents.

People should rely less on technonlogy because they are missing out on the natural beauty of the world because they surounf themselves with computers and phones and forget to look up from thier screens and see whats right in front of thier eyes.

Throughout the years the ways of a culture changes and civilization adapts accordingly to better the society as a whole, technology and the use of the internet is just one of those cultural changes.

Society’s increasing dependence on technology is appalling because it disconnects people from the real world, the lack of reliability, and the increased laziness it causes.

The younger generation is effected negatively by the amount of media exposure,the types they use and how they respond.  

Today’s media and advertisements are sending the wrong message to the youth of the nation, and therefore should be filtered. Revised: Today’s media and advertisements are sending a mass of inappropriate and unnecessary messages to the youth of the nation; and therefore should be filtered.

Technology is more than just cell phones, computers, and stereo systems. That’s what I think most people see or pay attention, but do people realize that technology is used within hospitals, doctor’s offices, and even schools all the way from elementary to college courses.

I finally decided on a solid argument for my essay. It will be about how commercials and advertising about alcohol are being geared towards teenagers and creating bad influences. For now I prefer the first outline example in the St. Martins Guide, but I’m going to try and experiment with the other examples also. I’m finding a lot of sources on this […]

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