Issues: Animal rights, the environment and how we’re killing it, how stupid celebrity magazines and websites are.

Controversial: There are so many vegans vs meat eater debates! No one wants to give it up even though its bad for everyone, especially the animals.

Many people deny that we are killing the environment even though the facts are everywhere!

I don’t know how controversial this is, but I mean we do really need to find something else to do with our time, money, and resources other than caring about other people’s lives.

Arguable: All of these topics are arguable. There are people on both sides for and against them.

I know a lot about Animal rights, because I’m a vegetarian myself. I’ve researched it a lot. Now, that I’ve read No Impact Man, I definitely believe in problems with our environment in the near future. I used to obsess about celebrities at one point until I realized how stupid it was! So, I can tell from experience in my argument.