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Category Archive for 'In-Class Discussions and Follow-Ups'

Form a group of five or six,  and complete the following tasks with your group memebers.  Please include group members’ names and prompt number(for example, #1) when you answer the questions. 

1.  What are the major arguments for each of the two essays?

2.   Compare and discuss the Topics Chart you make based on the readings on “torture” (pp 266-271, SMG), and post your group’s chart by replying to this prompt.

For 8/28–In-Class Questions

1. How do you understand “purpose,” “audience,” and “context” (p. 22, AWR)? Do you read a text the same way you read a visual?

2. What is an argument (p. 28, AWR)? When does it occur? What’s the purpose of argument? How do you treat people who disagree with you?

3. How can a student become a good writer? What/how should he/she learn? (Ch 1, SMG)

4. How can a student develop critical reading, thinking and writing skills? (Ch 1, SMG)

1.  The main idea of  “Use writing as a tool for learning” (p. 4, AWR) is that writing is a great aid to learning.  Of all the uses on list, which one is the most important to you? Give an example or share a story with your classmates.

2.  On page 6 AWR, we are given some suggestions about being successful at college. What else can do add to the list? Why?

On this page, we share ideas and continue discussions about what we do in class.

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