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On this page, you are supposed to post your topic, your thesis and your topic sentences. Propose at least 3 solutions to the problem you pick. State clearly which ONE solution is the best.  This work is due by 12 on 11/5. Look at other students’ posts so that you have an idea of what they will write about, and give feedback to be best of your knowledge.

In this post include the following:

1. title

2. the problem

3. audience

4. solutions (ONE is the best solution, the others are possible/alternative solutions.)

5. thesis/forecast (Try to be specific.  I expect well-constructed and complete sentences, sentences you actually use in your essay.)

Topic sentence 1(actual sentence you will use in your essay):

Topic sentence 2 (actual sentence you will use in your essay):

Topic sentence 3((actual sentence you will use in your essay):

6. counterargument-concession (if you use the outline I distributed in class today)

7. conclusion

Essay #4- Prewriting Activity

After we watched the movie and read through the assignment sheet, you might have thought of some problems in your high school, your community, or a field you are interested in. On this page, post what jumps into your mind: a problem, your knowledge about it/its background, how serious it is, who are affected, possible solutions, etc.

Essay #3 Proposal

Here is a page for you to post your proposals. You can complete everything in a Word Document and then copy and paste it to the “reply box”.  This work is due by 10:30 am Monday (10/19).

On this page, post and share with classmates your initial thoughts about some trends and phenomena you would like to explore in Essay # 3.  Describe the trend or phenomenon and write a paragraph or two listing some possible causes.  Indicate which is the most plausible cause. 

You may start this work any time you have a feel for it.  But it would be good to post by Friday’s class.   Feel free to comment when you see others’ ideas you feel strongly about.

Draft of Essay # 2

 Each student is expected to read your classmates’ papers.  Respond to at least two student papers. Please don’t respond to the two essays you read in our peer review session. The purpose of this mutual beneficial activity is to let you read more and help the writer to figure out a revision proposal.  Their feedback will help you with your revision as well.

Please include both positive comments and areas that need improving.  All students need constructive comments, although being polite  is good.

When you reply, make it clear whose post you respond to.

I think it is time for you to decide on your topic and go ahead fings sources. I would suggest those who still have not decided yet send me a quick email so that I can help you make judgment based on my experience. Choosing a topic and making it specific is the first thing you do.

Try finding 2-3 articles related to your topic from the database, print them out, and bring them to our next class. When you have time, it would be good to read and annotate them.  But annotation is optional.  Start drafting an outline.  Post your outline on this page when you are done.

When you get stuck in finding topics, please read a current issue of BG News,  and you might come across some good ideas.  You could choose from the following list if you like. Or just look at them and I hope they can give you some ideas.  They are from my former students.

Possible topics for Essay #2: Taking a Position

1. Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?

2. Subway vs McDonald’s

3. Is spanking children effective discipline or child abuse?

4. Should the use of cell phones in cars be illegal?

5. Are papparazzies doing their job or too much?

6. Being able to get emancipated

7. Intelligence or standard test scores (ACT, OGT)

      Similar: Should colleges stop using SAT/ACT scores?

8. Overpaid athletes?

9. Should playing a varsity sport exempt a student from having to take P.E. class?

10.  Is competition really that harmful?

For Essay #2, you can choose your own topics.  Since this essay is an argument, your topic should be debatable.  Please read the Assignment Sheet and the model essay “Children Need to Play, Not Compete” pp. 276-279 in SMG, and think about possible topics.  The paper is only about 4-5 pages, so specific and small topics will prove to be more workable.  List three of your favorite topics. You could give a brief explanation if you like.  Due: 9:00 pm, 9/22.

Creativity Room

We will generate and share ideas about upcoming papers.

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