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After we watched the movie and read through the assignment sheet, you might have thought of some problems in your high school, your community, or a field you are interested in. On this page, post what jumps into your mind: a problem, your knowledge about it/its background, how serious it is, who are affected, possible solutions, etc.

17 thoughts on “Essay #4- Prewriting Activity

  1. Anna Christoff
    11:10 am - 11-2-2009

    The problem I thought of was the lack of health options in the on campus dining facilities. I know how freshman tend to gain 15 pounds and I believe this would not happen if there were more healthy choices on campus for students to chose from. Students health and well being are affected from this problem. Solutions would be simply giving more of a variety of foods in the on campus dining facilities that are healthy. This way students can chose what they like and still be healthy.

  2. Kathryn Grilliot
    11:10 am - 11-2-2009

    There are many topics that come to my mind but I am not really sure which one to chose. I think that I could use the topic of teen pregnacys in Ohio or just in wood county. I could also use the underage drinking that goes on in universitys. I am not completely sure, I will have to think about it some more. I could also speculate the cause of people smoking on BGSU campus and why there are people who do it despite the knowledge that we have now about how bad it is for you. That might be a good topic as well,

  3. Valerie Cmolik
    11:10 am - 11-2-2009

    One possible topis for me is sexual assault on campus. Throughout this year I have recieved several emails from the BG campus police reporting sexual assaults that have taken place on campus. Many times people; especially girls will walk alone at night, which is a very resky decision. When walking on campus at night you should always walk in pairs or with a group of people.

  4. Chelsea Kolacki
    11:10 am - 11-2-2009

    A possible topic that causes issues in Bowling Green and especially for college students is lack of transportation later at night. On weekends and casually through out the week there should be a free shuttle or campus ride from campus to home or from uptown/downtown to home. When people leave the bars they either end up driving home under the influence or walking back alone which is as equally unsafe. There are a few shuttles like this already but they charge you a outrageous fee to ride per person, declining the appeal to use the service.

  5. petrowr
    11:11 am - 11-2-2009

    A potential topic for Essay #4 would be littering around campus. There’s trash in a lot of places where I walk and that’s the first thing I thought of when asked for a topic. People who are affected are people on campus, mostly those who walk. It’s not really that serious and a possible solution would be some more clean up crews, instead of spending a bunch of cash on some new buildings.

  6. Jie Li
    11:12 am - 11-2-2009

    I teach writing in a different way in the American university. Here, the process is valued over the product. In China, it seems to be the opposite, owing to the dated philosophy and approach as well as the large student population. I would like to help solve the problem when I return to China. My possible solutions include professional development, improving assessment procedures, and using technologies in the classroom. But the best solution is to let students collaborate.

  7. sarah
    11:13 am - 11-2-2009

    i cannot think of anything. nothing is popping into my head anybody want to help me out here?

  8. Ashley Lindrose
    11:15 am - 11-2-2009

    The first thing that jumped into my mind was parking. You have to spend $50 for a parking pass. Then you have to park a mile away. It’s not convenient at all. If you want to park closer, near your dorm, for example, then you have to pay more by putting money in the parking meter. If you choose not to pay, you get a $25 ticket. Every college student that has a car on campus is affected by this. A possible solution to this might be to build a parking garage.

  9. kristen gyorgak
    11:16 am - 11-2-2009

    one possible problem solution could be homlessness. because the economy took a turn for the worst, homelessness and poverty has risen.
    this is very serious, and more people are suffering from being homeless now then ever before.

    i dont know a lot abotu this topic, so i would be interested to look it up and to find out more information.

  10. Derek Clark
    11:17 am - 11-2-2009

    The problem that first came to my mind was the problem with fraternities and sororities and the way that they force the members into underage binge drinking. My solutions include; closely watching these houses to see what is actually going on around campus and denying entrance into a frat or sorority house until ID has been provided. I have no problem with drinking in general but when a so-called “brotherhood” forces a prospective member to drink until they puke, drinking becomes a problem.

  11. Stephen
    11:18 am - 11-2-2009

    A possible topic that i could us is polllution. Pollution is everywhere and inevitable to avoid. .It affects anyone and everyone. This is a serious issue that needs to be fixed today before things get worse. Fixing pollution will take time but with action it can be done. possible sollutions can be having better filtering systems for water or better filltration systems for smoke and other chemicals being ommited into the air.

  12. Ali Recker
    11:18 am - 11-2-2009

    A possible topic that i would be interested in writing about in esaay is how many freshman gain the “freshman 15”. I know many students especially females try there hardest to not gain this weight. It seems that no matter how hard one tries it always seems impossible to not gain the weight. Some possible ways that the campus can help with this problem is by haveing less fried foods in the cafeterias, and by providing healthier snacks. Though the rec center does proide a place to work out and puts on severel different prgrams they could lower the cost of these programs just slightly so that more students would be able to afford them.

  13. Jazzmin
    11:19 am - 11-2-2009

    The first problem to come up in my head with solutions to go alog with it is the many cases of underage drinking on a college campus. College is one of the biggest influences on students coming out of high school to drink. Its ike you have all the freedom in the world and experiment on new things. Drinking is a big new experiment that everyone wants to try. While at college students dont have any kind of parental control meaning that what ever they want to do they can cause there parents will never have any way of ever finding out. The seriousness of this problem is very high because of the safety of every student. While intoxicated a student isn’t aware of everything that is going on so in that case anything could go on. This could occur while out at a party or in the very own room of a student. Underage drinking could also be a problem if the student is caught by legal authority not only could this jepordize the students education career for heir current college , but depending on the seriousness the student could be not allowed on any schools campus as a student.

  14. Allegra
    11:19 am - 11-2-2009

    The problem that first pops into mind would be peer pressure. Peer pressure is something that I encounter every other day. It varies from little things, such as putting off homework to go out with friends, to potentially dangerous things such as driving drunk. All of these things can be easily prevented by communicating with your peers. Possible solutions for peer pressure could be to let friends know that homework is more important and needs to be completed, and don’t do things that make you feel uncomfortable.

  15. George Morgan
    11:20 am - 11-2-2009

    I think i am going to write about peer pressure in drinking. I have some knowledge about it because i’m in a fraternity, which mine don’t pressure you but i know some fraternity and witnessed some fraternities pressuring people to drink. It is slightly serious because we always have problems with drunk college students, minor and major problems. It mostly affects students who do not want to drink but may be easily pressured. some solutions are a class or two about peer pressure(with other stuff, not just drinking), possibly some more workshops about it and have those workshops actually announced and not hard to find.

  16. Sydney Williams
    11:12 am - 11-5-2009

    The first topic that comes to mind is why America has become the fattest nation. America is known for our obesity, and I don’t believe that’s how we should be remebered. In my paper I want to talk about the possible solutions to obesity. Better food, stop using corn in everything, getting rid of processed foods, and making healthy food cheaper.

  17. 24 Fitness
    3:42 am - 5-28-2011

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