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Monthly Archive for October, 2009

Essay #3 Proposal

Here is a page for you to post your proposals. You can complete everything in a Word Document and then copy and paste it to the “reply box”.  This work is due by 10:30 am Monday (10/19).

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On this page, post and share with classmates your initial thoughts about some trends and phenomena you would like to explore in Essay # 3.  Describe the trend or phenomenon and write a paragraph or two listing some possible causes.  Indicate which is the most plausible cause.  You may start this work any time you have […]

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Read both essays in SMG,  and write a 150/200-word response.  Also, respond to at least TWO posts.  You are supposed to finish this work by 8:00pm Thursday (10/15). 1.  What are the features of “speculating about causes essay”? Base your answers on the two essays you have read. Remember to cite when you quote texts. […]

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Draft of Essay # 2

 Each student is expected to read your classmates’ papers.  Respond to at least two student papers. Please don’t respond to the two essays you read in our peer review session. The purpose of this mutual beneficial activity is to let you read more and help the writer to figure out a revision proposal.  Their feedback […]

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