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Please answer the following questions after reading the article on pp. 276-279, SMG. Please finish this work by 9:00 pm 9/22. Each student is supposed to read some and respond to two posts.

1. Relate this piece to your life experience. Have you competed for anything? Like a prize, an honor, or grades?  If so, how did you feel then, physically and psychologically? What are the consequences? What are the major differences between competition and collaboration?

2. Are you convinced by the author? Which part is your favorite? Why? List at least three strategies you would like to borrow from this essay, and briefly explain why.

2. Who are the intended audiences of the essay? How do you know?

31 thoughts on “Questions on “Children Need to Play, Not Compete”

  1. petrowr
    3:30 pm - 9-21-2009

    Remington Petrow

    1) As per my life, I haven’t really competed for much, so I wouldn’t exactly know how I felt. But I do know that the differences between competition and collaboration are that competition is working against one another whereas collaboration is working with one another.

    2) I am convinced by the author. My favorite part would probably be the examples, since they provide a real world tie in to the argument. Three strategies I’d like to borrow from this essay would be:
    I) Good citation work and usage of sources.
    II) Excellent organization
    III) Makes a clear point

    3) The intended audience, based on the context of the reading would most likely be parents of children in athletic events.

  2. Valerie Cmolik
    8:00 pm - 9-21-2009

    Valerie Cmolik

    1. It wasn’t so much of a competition, but last year I had to pass a skills exam to get my STNA(state tested nurse assistant) license. This test wore me out physically and emotionally from all the reviewing and stress. Competition is when you are working against other people and collaboration is when you are working with other people.
    2. I am convinced by the author. My favorite part is just the reality of the essay and the amount of real life examples she provides. Three strategies I would like to borrow from this essay is how she gets right to the point of the essay, the examples/citations provided, and great use of organization.
    3. The intended audience would be parents who have children who play or would like to play sports.

  3. Kathryn Grilliot
    3:15 am - 9-22-2009

    1. I have won awards when I was in speech team and whenever I won an award I felt proud of myself and I felt fiscally exited when my name was being called to go up on that stage. The consequences are that when some people get awards and honors they could get to proud or feel too pressures to achieve higher. The difference between Competition and collaboration is the fact that competition is when something or someone are going against one another for some type of purpose. Collaboration is different because when others collaborate, both sides are working together.

    2. I would have to say that I do agree with the author and believe that the author had made some very good points. My favorite part is the part where the author was talking about the different ways that parents act around their children when dealing with competitiveness. I like this part because I found it very interesting to read and ponder. I would have to say that I would like to borrow the author’s overall consistency, organization, and good use of argument because that is something that I believe I have to work on as well.

    3. I believe that the audience of the article would have been the parents because the author tended to make the audience assume that this article was meant to be read by the children of the competitive nature.

  4. Ashley Lindrose
    9:55 am - 9-22-2009

    1. When I was younger, I played soccer, baseball, and I did gymnastics and baton. So I know a lot about competition. I felt like there was a lot of pressure on me to always win. If our team didn’t win, we weren’t rewarded with ice cream after the game. The major difference between competition and collaboration is that collaboration you are working together to achieve something and competition you are working against eachother.

    2. The author, Jessica Statsky, makes a very compelling arguement. I really liked how she used quotes such as the one where the little boy made himself throw up so he wouldn’t have to go back out on the field in fear of getting hurt. I’m going to incorporate into my paper some of the same transition words as Jessica used. Also, I’m going to identify the issue right in the beginning and take my position. Lastly, I’m going to organize my paper so that each point that I make is a seperate paragraph.

    3. The audience of this essay is parents of young children who are involved in competitive sports. The whole essay was about warning parents of the negative sides of being too young in a competitive sport.

    Response to posts:
    1.Remington, maybe you have experienced competition with grades or maybe trying to get into college.
    I liked your answer to number two.

    3.Kathryn, I really liked your answer to number one. You’re right, people get too proud of themselves and start to brag a lot.

  5. Stephen Pikus
    11:15 am - 9-22-2009

    1. When I was in high school i played soccer were we were competing against other high school teams to win. The big dream was to go to states and win it all. I always felt i had a lot of pressure on me to do my best and win. The difference between competition and collaboration is that competition is working against each other and collaboration is working with each other.

    2. I am convinced by the author. My favorite part was all the examples that were used to prove a point. Three strategies i would take from this essay would be.
    1. very well organized my paper
    2. good topic to argue
    3 Clearly stated points to get the message across

    3. The audience of this is parents of kids who are involved in sports.

  6. Jazzmin Hill
    4:03 pm - 9-22-2009

    1. Ever since childhood I have taken ballet and modern dance. I never did competitions with my dance, but the studio itself is very competitive. Everyone wanted mommy and daddy to see them perform and so you had to fight for that solo so that you could get your moment of fame. I have lost many friends due to dance and it was all because of the high competiveness that all of us had. I felt great about it because dance is what i love and my passion so i feel that I can compete for what I love. The major differences between compettition and collaboration is that competing is when you do something, but you are only thinking about yourself and what you are going to get out of it.

    2. I do agree with the author about this essay. My favorite part of this essay would have to be when the author speaks about young kids playing tackle football. This sport is not only competitve, but it also dangerous. When a child is at a younger age and doesnt know any they don’t know that tackling is only for the field so any time they feel like it they could just run up and tackle there classmate. Not only would tackling be un accepatable in the class, but it could really end in someone getting hurt.

    3. The three strategies that I would like to borrow from this essay are:
    -The paragraph structure and organization, I like the way that the essay kept structure and didnt mix up ideas inside the paragraphs.
    – I would like to borrow the authors general topic because it was a great topic to argue
    -I would like to borrow the authors strategy that was used to state the argumnet.

    3. The audience of this essay would be parents who are debating whether to include their children in competitive sports.

  7. Ali Recker
    6:45 pm - 9-22-2009

    1. All of my life i have been in many different sports includeing cross country, softball, volleyball, basketball and track. All of these sports have caused me to become a very competative person and i like to think of things as a competion. The difference between competion and colaberation is that competion is when you are competeing against others when as in colaberation you are working with others to acheive the same goal.

    2.I agree with the author. The thing I like the most about this article was how the author used real life examples and quotes to discuss her opion. Three things i would bring into my pwn paper would be:organization, strong topic, and strong supporting details.

    3. The audience of this artice would be parents of children who compete in any type of competive sport or activity.

    I agree with Katheryn that sometimes kids get to into winning and start to brag about all their acomplishments.
    I also can relate to Ashley’s respose to number one and the amount of sports she was in and always feeling the pressure to do my best in order to win.

  8. Allegra Lane
    8:52 pm - 9-22-2009

    1. Growing up, I was always involved in playing basketball. For the most part, it was all about having fun. It did not matter if we won or lost. However this changed as I got older. The fun factor began drifting away and basketball began getting much more stressful and harsh. If we did lose, we had a tough practice the next day. Competition is to work against someone/thing, while collaboration is the opposite, as it is working with someone/thing. 2. I was very convinced by the author. My favorite part is the bit on the little boy throwing up so that he would not be put back in the game because my teammates and I would do similar things in fear of the consequences of messing up during the game. Strategies of the author that I would use would be: … Organization, it was very well organized/set up … Citation, it had many valuable sources, all which were cited correctly …Topic, it had a very controversial subject, good for arguments 3. The audience may be parents that currently have younger children involved in sports. The essay really tries to convince the reader that something is wrong with the influence of youth sports nowadays.

  9. David Kotz
    9:29 pm - 9-22-2009

    1. Growing up I was always involved in sports. When I was younger the competition was not always there but when i got into high school that changed. Competition is working against somebody to do better than them while collaboration is working together to do better.

    2. The author is very convincing and I do agree. My favorite part was the examples she used to back her argument.
    She uses good sitation, very well organized and very good examples.

    3. The audience is parents that have children that compete in sports.

  10. Nathan Posey
    11:35 pm - 9-22-2009

    1. I played on a baseball team this year that was full of college athelete. me coming right out of high school was the young one. I felt very stressed because I tried to make a good word for my self. Competition is when you compete against another, and collobration is when you work together.
    2. I am convinced by the author because she was into proving her point through examples. The three things i would use are
    1. Organisation
    2. Citation
    3. Use examples
    3. Parents who children are involved in sports

  11. Kristen Gyorgak
    9:38 am - 9-23-2009

    1)I’ve been involved in sports since i was four years old. I played soccer, basketball, and ran track all the way up until last year. Also, I’ve been in karate for the last 14 years, and I compete on a national level. I’m really competitive and I love winning. When I lose, I just work harder to win next time. Physically I feel great when I win. Competition puts one child against another, whereas in collaboration two kids work together.

    2) Due to personal bias, I wasn’t very convinced by the author. The author made strong points, used specifics, and had good organization. Her points were very strong, I just don’t believe it’s right.

    3) The intended audience to this piece are the parents and coaches of these kids competing in competitive sports.

  12. George Morgan
    10:12 am - 9-23-2009

    I have competed for many things throughout my life. I’ve been on soccer and rugby teams, competing for a trophy and title. During this physically i felt nothing because the way i played i was i guess “in the zone” so any minor injuries or pain i had i did not feel. Psychologically, i felt as though i needed to win. I had to not make a mistake and do all i can to win for my team. The consequences were that i felt the all the pain after the game and sometimes when i tried not to make a mistake and i ended up making one, i felt multiple times worse. The major differences is that collaboration is done for fun and there is nothing to gain. Competing ends up people being serious and might end up fighting

    I am partial convinced by the author. I mean yes she is right in that some coaches are too hard on their team just so they can win but at the same time having some competetion is good. Sometimes kids need something to look foreward to winning because competetion is a part of life. There is competetion everywhere and so the children need to start early.

    i believe the main audience is coaches of teams. I believe this because she writes about how the coaches are pushing the kids too hard just so they can win and so if the coaches read this, they might stop being so cruel

  13. Derek Clark
    12:28 pm - 9-24-2009

    1) Throughout my entire childhood I was forced into competing in basically any sport that was available; football, soccer, track, wrestling, basketball, baseball, and golf. I never cared about any of these. This affected me phychologicaly because the only reason I wanted to win was for my father, who never allowed me to stop training to win until I finally spoke up and stopped almost every sport. I have to admit that this forceful participation helped me to become a stronger person that stands up for what he believes in. Physically I have been affected by how messed up my hands are and my knee randomly decides to lock up but other than that I can live with it. Collaboration is a huge part of competition but as sports for children and the parents become more extreme there is much less emphasis on teamwork and fair play. The bottom line is starting to become just winning at any cost, no matter who is left out.

    2) I am not really convinced basically because of my own experiences with competition. Life is a competition and it sucks, but we all have to compete for everything. My favorite part is probably the 10th paragraph where she talks about moving towards more cooperation in sports. It sounds like a great idea but I highly doubt that it will happen nationwide.
    I) organization
    II) strong support
    III) citations

    3) Parents and coaches.

  14. Shari Dinkins
    12:40 pm - 10-11-2010

    I found this very interesting. I’m sure my students will, too. They’re also studying “Children Need to Play, Not Compete.” Thanks!

  15. Shari's sample post
    9:21 am - 10-18-2010

    I relate to Jazzmin’s post the most because I was in sports myself, so I relate to what parents are worried about.

    The strategies I would like to use from Jessica Stabinsky’s essay are 1) clearly stating the argument, and 2) using different sources to support her claims.

    If I was addressing parents, I would work more on addressing each of their concerns in order. For example, how would NOT competing affect student’s academics, how would NOT competing affect their chances for major league sports and scholarships, and 3) how this would affect a boy’s development.

  16. Taylor Patterson
    9:34 am - 10-18-2010

    1.) I relate to Derek Clark because growing up i was involved in every sport that I could. I did not want to every sport I only wanted to concentrate on basketball and softball. My father however did not see this as an acceptable thing to do. I was not forced to do every sport and train every day but I knew if I did not my father would be dissapointed. And, I did not want to dissapoint my dad. I tried really hard to impress him and be overly successfull in every aspect of every sport. I almost think this is why my knees are so bad, because of all the everyday training I did untill I became old enough to say no. To tell him I didnt want to participate in every sport, every day.

    2.) As reading everyone’s awnsers I noticed that a lot of them said the same thing. I would definentally take the fact that the paragraphs aren’t mixed up and they are kept well and organized for easy reading. The topic she chose to argue was also a plus, and the overall general idea about how she argued it was also very well argued. I also think that she very well stated her argue and convinced the reader of it. The easiest way to convice your reader of agreeing with you or at least gaining there respect is to have not just strong points, but strong details as well. The authors details were very strong and supported her topic very well.

    3. Based on the awnsers above, I am under the impression that she did a good job of reaching her goal. She adressed her audience, parents and coaches of people who play sports and coach them, very well. I think that the author made the point that there is a serious problem with kids and sports now a days. The reason they do them, because they are forced to or feel obligated to.

  17. Amber Bottens
    9:34 am - 10-18-2010

    •How you think Jessica Statsky did addressing her audience and achieving her purpose. (1 or 2 sentences. Be specific.
    1. I related to Derek Clark’s post the most beacuse I was forced into some sports also because of my dad too.
    2. The strategies I would like to use from Derek Clark’s essay are 1) good orginization, and 2) the strong support to her claims.
    3. I believe she adresses her readers well and states strong support and achieves her purpose.

  18. Kelsey Dixon
    9:35 am - 10-18-2010

    I really relate to Jazzmin Hill. I was also involved in competitive dance my entire life and I feel that she makes good arguements about compettition and collaboration.

    The stratigies I would like to borrow would be 1.) organizing my arguements and 2.) having a lot of specific examples.

    I think the author did a good job addressing the parents of children who are considering putting their children in competetive sports. She made a lot of good arguements that addressed the parents concerns and also gave a lot of information about all sorts of things parents would be concerned about.

  19. Aaron Pankey
    9:52 am - 10-18-2010

    1.) i most relate to Nathan Posey because i know what it feels like to be the youngest on a new team with alot of talent. although i didnt get far i felt good that i made the team even though i was young.
    2.) i would borrow the organization.
    3.) i think she did good on not giving up until she got her point across to her audience. she kept restating her argument more than once and supported he reasons well.

  20. Haley Roach
    10:06 am - 10-18-2010

    1. I most related to the views of Ali Recker, in that growing up and throughout my high school career I was also involved in many sports including softball, basketball, and track. Along with her i became a very competative person and feel that as a young child you do feel that you are under a lot of pressure and hope that you don’t let your parents down.

    2. In “Children Need to Play, Not compete”, Jessica Statsky did a great job in supporting what she thought was a problem. I agree with her in that parents push their children into too many sports and even if they are only involved in one they are pushed too far that they end up hating the sport and are put under an overload of stress. On the other hand though, I do believe that if the child wants to participate in a sport, you should allow them and support them no matter how many sports the wish to participate in. It isn’t the sport that changes their behavior and stresses them out during competition, but the fact that the expectations of their parents brings most of the pressure. I would take into consideration for my own paper her supporting details, strong dialogue, and valid reasoning.
    3. Again, she supported her argument very well explaining to people how much of an impact this puts on small children. Reading her argument, it makes the audience want to read on and consider what she is saying by the shocking dialogue and wording she chooses.

  21. Natasha Genard
    10:25 am - 10-18-2010

    1. I have never really competed for anything but have won honor roll awards. It was a nice feeling to receive an award and be acknowledged but I didn’t feel extremely happy. Competition is going against someone else while Collaboration is working together with someone else.

    2. I was convinced by the author because some people do push their kids to be competitive as if they were David Beckham in a championship soccer game vs. lil Tommy who has just turned six and begun to play the sport. The strategies i would like to borrow for my essay are…
    1. Getting straight to the point.
    2. Using examples
    3. Being organzied.
    I would like to borrow all of these strategies so my paper can be understandable and to get what I am trying to say across to my readers, and maybe even get them to change their opinion.

    3. The readers are the parents. Also people who have probably been involved in sports, or any other activities that they have been force to be competitive vs. just enjoying themselves and having fun.

  22. Natasha Genard
    12:40 pm - 10-18-2010

    * Which student’s post you relate to and why (1-2 sentences. Be specific.)
    1. I agree mostly with petrowr because I didn’t compete in anything that much in my childhood.

    * A writing strategy you’d like to borrow from “Children Need to Play, Not Compete” (1 or 2 sentences. Be specific.)
    2. I would mainly like to borrow the use of examples because I run out of examples alot.

    * How you think Jessica Statsky did addressing her audience and achieving her purpose. (1 or 2 sentences. Be specific.
    3. I think she did a great job because I got what she meant that sports, and etc. can be competitive but it also should be fun and exciting.

  23. Matt Thompson
    2:05 pm - 10-19-2010

    1. I relate most to Ali Recker I think. I am a very competitive person no matter what I am doing. I played three sports in high school, golf, swimming and baseball, and I loved playing them and competing.
    2. From Statsky’s Children Need to Play not Compete, I found many intriguing writing strategies. I would definately use the organization, and how she got straight to the point, and used outstanding examples.
    3. I believe Jessica did a fantastic job getting her point across. She used good examples to try and get the ideas cemented in her reader’s minds.

  24. Matt Thompson
    4:34 pm - 10-19-2010

    1. I relate most to Ali Recker. I am a very competitive person, and am always playing a sport. I have been golfinf, swimming and playing baseball for the longest time, and whenever the game starts, im a different person.
    2. In Jessica’s story, I think she did a great job incorporating different writing strategies. I would use the organization, and her great use of examples.
    3. I believe Jessica Statsky did a great job adressing and getting to her audience, which was mostly parents. I think she did such a good job because she used so many vivid examples

  25. Ashley Pilon
    5:03 pm - 10-19-2010

    1. I can relate to Stephen Pikus the most since I played soccer in highschool and I was in that position were I felt like i had to do my best in order to please everyone, mostly the coaches. It was a lot of pressure on me to always be trying to perform my best in order to help the team win a game or whatever it may be.
    2. I like how she got directly to the point and she didnt make you read a whole lot before she got her point out and clued you in on the issue at hand. I also liked how she used lots of details and examples throughout her argument to better inform the reader.
    3. I think she did a great job in addressing her audience she made her facts very clear as to who was creating the competition amongst the childrens sports teams. She also does a good job explaining how the coaches of the teams put lots of stress and pressure on the kids in an attempt to try and live out the life they never got the chance to have.

  26. Jesse Mischler
    7:54 pm - 10-19-2010

    1.) I agree with George Morgan.
    I was in many sports, mainly focusing on football, as a child. You were always in the zone and somehow didn’t feel minor injuries. Your adrenaline was always flowing because you were having a blast playing and you want to win. I can kind of agree because I have had some coaches that were pretty hard and I have seen very hard coaches. When the kids are put in those situations they don’t have as much fun. It is supposed to be more fun than about winning. Teach the kids what they need to learn and tell them to have fun. That is the concoction for a win.

    2.) I thought her strategies of using many different sources really strengthened her paper and the claim behind it. She also used great organization in her essay. It was easy to follow along and you are never lost.

    3.) I would address how being in a sport as a kid has great benefits. It teaches them discipline, team work, physical fitness, sportsmanship, etc.

    3.) I would address the

  27. Dashawn Williams
    8:58 pm - 10-19-2010

    I would have to relate with Remington Petrow I never really did sports.
    My parents never force me to do something I never wanted to do. Idid run track in grade school but that was for fun and my parents didn’t even know.
    A writing strategy that i would like to borrow would be how Jessica Statsky used her citations, organization of her essay and how she used her sources.
    I think that she did good on addressing her audience. She stated her what the issue was she gave good sources and her support with the doctor. It was a very good arugement to the parents that have kids in sports. She covered this essay very well there was not gaps in this paper

  28. Cole R.
    9:10 pm - 10-19-2010

    1) I relate to Kathryn Grilliot. I relate to her because I feel like when parents get involved in sports they get way to out of hand and competitive. Just like my parents that’s why I never played many sports. Also I feel good about my self just like her when i win an award.
    2) I like how Kathryn specifically told what her point was. She didn’t go on and on about it she actually put specifics into what she was trying to convey.
    3.) I think Jessica did a good job. She got right to the point about what she wanted the reader to know. She was trying to convince competition and I got that out of the reading.

  29. Dashawn Williams
    9:48 pm - 10-19-2010

    1. I relate to Remington Perow the most I really never did sports in school. The most I ever done was track and my parents didn’t know about it.
    2. The writing strategys I would like to borrow would be the way she used her citations, the organization of the essay and the way she used her sources.
    3. I think that Jessica addressed her audience well by getting some of the facts out there for parents and the children involed.

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