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For 9/11-9/13

Please read pp. 241-247 and 73-85 in AWR, and answer the following questions briefly. You are supposed to complete this work by 6:00pm 9/13. 

1. Suppose you are a member of an interest group. One assignment for you is to improve a part of an automobile.  When you work on it, suddenly you think of a message from an engineer, and you think you can use some of his ideas in your design. Should you give credit?  On which page, can you find evidence?

2. What’s the safest way to use other people’s words or ideas?

3. What’s the difference between “revising” and “editing”?

17 thoughts on “For 9/11-9/13

  1. petrowr
    11:16 am - 9-12-2009

    Remington Petrow

    1) Yes, you should give the engineer credit for his idea. Evidence can be found on page 243 under “Source Smart”

    2) The safest way to use others peoples words or ideas is to properly cite their work according to the format you are instructed to use.

    3) The difference between revising and editing is that revising is the process of reviewing the entire work, making large changes whereas editing is making smaller, fine changes afterwards.

  2. Valerie Cmolik
    12:23 pm - 9-12-2009

    Valerie Cmolik

    1. Yes, you should give the engineer credit because intellectual property includes patented inventions, trademarks, industrial designs, and similar intellectual creations that are protected by other laws. You can find evidence of this on page 243.

    2. The safest way to use other people’s words or ideas is to put quotation marks around words,phrases, or sentences taken verbally from a source and write down the page numbers. If you use any of those words, phrases, or sentences when summarizing or paraphrasing the source, put them in quotations marks. Also changing a word here and there while keeping a source’s structure or phrasing constitutes plagiarism even if you credit the source for ideas.

    3. The difference between “revising” and “reediting” is revising is when you review the whole composition, adding, deleting, and moving text as necessary. Reediting is when you polish sentences so that you say what you want to say as effectively as possible.

  3. Jie Li
    1:38 pm - 9-12-2009

    Response to #1 and #2

    I like both of your answers to Q3. It’s good to know the differences between revising and editing. Here, I’d like to clarify a bit more. When you revise, you make “global changes,” such as organization, development including adding or deleting examples, or even redraft the essay. When you edit, it means you have decided not to change the organization or most of the ideas are fully developed, so you just want to polish, and make sentence-leveal changes, or “local changes.”

    Now you can judge what stage your essay is in, and then you can make your own revising or editing decisions.

  4. Ashley Lindrose
    3:52 pm - 9-12-2009

    1. Suppose you are a member of an interest group. One assignment for you is to improve a part of an automobile. When you work on it, suddenly you think of a message from an engineer, and you think you can use some of his ideas in your design. Should you give credit? On which page, can you find evidence?

    2. What’s the safest way to use other people’s words or ideas?

    3. What’s the difference between “revising” and “editing”?

    1.Yes, you should always give credit to the person who’s ideas you use in your own work. In AWR you can find evidence of this on page 243.

    2. The safest way to use other people’s words or ideas is to use quoation marks and to write out the entire quote. You also need to cite the person and be sure to say who said it and where you got that information from (i.e. book, speach, etc).

    3. Revising is when you are review the whole compostion and you make sure everything is devoloped fully. You spend time adding and deleting things to make your composition make more sense. Editing, however, is on a smaller scale. When you edit your paper, you are looking for more grammatical errors. You may change things like spelling and you may fix fragment sentences.

  5. sarah eastman
    5:30 pm - 9-12-2009

    1. Yes, you always give credit when you use someone else’s idea. You can find the evidence on page 243 in the AWR.

    2. The safest way to use other people’s words is to make sure that you use the correct citation for the type of paper your writing (i.e MLA, APA).

    3. Revsing is the bigger one. When you revise you literally can change the paper. Editing is doing the smaller stuff. It is making sure that all grammar is correct.

  6. Jazzmin Hill
    10:19 am - 9-13-2009

    1. Yes it is okay to use some of his ideas but on page 243 in the ARW book it states that you ar always supposed to credit someone there work if you are using it

    2. The safest way to make sure that you arent plagerising anothers work is to make sure that you have the proper work citing,
    (MLA, APA)

    3. When you revise a paper you are looking at the big picture, meaning your looking at what fits and what doesnt fit. Is the thesis correct? Are the paragraph’s strong? Is the opener a grabber?
    On the other hand when you are editing you are just looking for the grammer errors. Did you say there instead of their? Disd you start off a sentence with and, the list goes on.

  7. Ali Recker
    11:21 am - 9-13-2009

    1. Yes it is ok to use that persons idea as long as you give the person credit for their idea. This information can be found on page 243 of the AWR.

    2. The safest way to use another persons words or ideas is to site them correctly accordingly.

    3. Revising an essay is when you reorganize or restucture the entire essay to help it flow together. Edditing is doing more fine print things, such as grammer, and leaveing the stucture of the essay as is.

  8. Allegra Lane
    11:41 am - 9-13-2009

    1. Yes, you should give credit to the engineer because as the evidence on page 243 states, you must give credit to the ideas other than your own.

    2. The safest way to use other people’s words or ideas is to use quotation marks, and correctly indicate the sources for quotes, summaries and visuals.

    3. To revise means to review the entire composition, while adding and deleting large portions of the work. To edit means to change smaller details in a work, like grammar or punctuation.

  9. Anna Christoff
    11:51 am - 9-13-2009

    1.Yes, I think it is acceptable but credit should always be given to someone who is involved with the idea. This is stated on page 243.

    2. The safest way to use others work is to correctly site them by using quotation marks and siting where you recieved the information from. This is an example of MLA and APA.

    3. The difference between revising and editing is that revising is simply reviewing the entire work and making big changes where editing is making smaller, more simple changes, that do not change the structure of the work.

  10. Sydney Williams
    1:15 pm - 9-13-2009

    1. Yes you should give credit because you are using his work in your own. You can find the evdience on page 243.

    2. The safest way to use other people’s idas is to make sure that you know how to cite their work. If anything is wrong on your citing, then you have misused their words and made them your own. This can get you into trouble.

    3. The difference between editing and revising is that when you revise an essay, you are changing the paragraphs around and sentences making sure that everything fits into place. Also making sure your thesis is correct and you paragraphs are strong. When you edit an essay you are looking for gramatical errors and word changes.

  11. George Morgan
    1:21 pm - 9-13-2009

    1) yes you should give credit because it is the engineer’s idea. Evidence is found on page 243

    2) The safest way to give credit is to quote the idea and then cite it at the end with the correst MLA or APA format.

    3) The difference in revising and editing is revising is making big changes to a piece of work like taking out an entire paragraph and editing is small changes

  12. Stephen Pikus
    1:59 pm - 9-13-2009

    1. Yes you should give credit to the engineer because it was his idea and you need to give him credit for it. Evidence can be found on page 243 of the AWR.

    2. The safest way to use other peoples work is to cite and use quotation marks following the MLA format.

    3. The difference between revising and editing is that revising is going in depth reading the paper and making changes to what might be wrong or need change. Editing is making minor changes in the final stage or the paper.

  13. Kris McNeeley
    2:44 pm - 9-13-2009

    1) Yes, you should give credit because when you don’t you are using others’ ideas as your own. Evidence of this can be found on pg. 243.

    2) The safest way to credit someone’s work is to use proper citation(using MLA or APA) and quotations for the author’s specific ideas.

    3) The difference between revising and editing is that you are making major changes to your work when you revise and small changes while you’re editing.

  14. Nathan Posey
    3:36 pm - 9-13-2009

    1) Yes, you need to give the engineer credit because you are using his idea’s for your assignment. You can find evidence on page 243.

    2) The safest way to use other information is to cite the information in a citation page and also use quotations, and page marks in your essay.

    3) Revising is when you make major changes with deleting and adding, and editing when you make minor changes just to touch up you essay.

  15. Kathryn Grilliot
    6:18 pm - 9-13-2009

    1. I believe that you should in fact provide the engineer with credit because the engineer’s ideas are being used and not your own, therefore he should be provided the credit for the work.
    2. The safest and most correct way to use other information that is not yours is to cite all information that is not an original idea of your own. When in doubt, cite.
    3. Revising something is when you read something that you have written over and make appropriate changes and revisions to make the thing that you are writing better and easier for the audience of the piece to understand and follow.

  16. David Kotz
    6:28 pm - 9-13-2009

    1. You should give the engineer credit because you are using his idea. Evidence can be found on pg. 243

    2. The safest way to use other peoples words is to use quotations then cite them so you give them credit.

    3. Revising is looking at the overall piece of work and making big changes. Editing is making minor changes to touch up the essay.

  17. Kristen Gyorgak
    7:07 am - 9-14-2009

    1) On page 243 it states that you should give evidence to this because it’s not your thoughts or ideas. Therefore, the engineer should be credited with it.

    2) To be sure you arent plagerizing, it’s easiest just to quote the person/book and then use quotes and a citation.

    3) Revising is when you make a major change to your essay, whereas editing is when you make minor changes. In revising you might delete or add huge chunks. In editing you would mostly fix grammatical mistakes and things like that.

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