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For 9/2–Group Work

Form a group of five or six,  and complete the following tasks with your group memebers.  Please include group members’ names and prompt number(for example, #1) when you answer the questions. 

1.  What are the major arguments for each of the two essays?

2.   Compare and discuss the Topics Chart you make based on the readings on “torture” (pp 266-271, SMG), and post your group’s chart by replying to this prompt.

8 thoughts on “For 9/2–Group Work

  1. sarah, ash, syd, rem
    10:06 am - 9-2-2009

    The first story is how torture is a neccessary evil. The second story is about how it is bad by religious standards and how it demoralizes humanity.

    Bagaric Johnson
    Thesis 2-3 6
    Main point #1 7-8 7
    Main point #2 9 9-10
    Main point #3 10 11
    issue 1-3 4, 6,7
    position 2 5
    concluding statements 13-15 14-15

  2. Kristen G., George M., Nathan P., Stephen P.
    10:13 am - 9-2-2009

    1) Both essays are written on the subject of torture. However, these essays have opposing views of it. “A Case for Torture” by Mirko Bagaric defends torture as a reasonable method. One argument that Bagaric states is that torture is necessary when trying to find out key pieces of evidence that could safe the life of an innocent person. Bagaric goes on to take three objections to torture and explains how they aren’t applicable. The next essay entitled “Inhuman Behavior: A Chaplain’s View of Torture” by Kermit D. Johnson is an essay stating that torture should not be used. Johnson approaches his argument from a religious perspective. His main point is that the Christian faith calls for passiveness and that we shouldn’t be in war, let alone involved with torture.

    2) Issue: Is torture right or wrong?
    Position: Bagaric thinks torture can be necessary and Johnson believes torture isn’t necessary ever.
    resolve: In the first essay, Bagaric tried to incorporate the arguments against torture and then discredit them. Bagaric can obviously see the other side’s opinion, he just doesn’t agree with it.

  3. Allegra Lane
    10:14 am - 9-2-2009

    Allegra Lane
    Jazzmin Hill
    Derek Clark

    1. In the first essay, the argument was considered to be acceptable in certain life-or-death situations. Also, wrong doers are thought of moreso than innocent people. Torture is more of a self-defense of the country.
    In the second essay, the argument was more about how torture is inhumane and destroys the morality of the country. Torture is also thought of being a form of terrorism. Even though torture is illegal, it still happens.

    2. Bagaric Johnson
    Issue 1-3 6-8
    Position 3, 11 6
    Key Words 1 3, 4, 7, 11, 14
    Refute 10 2
    Attitude 2 6, 11
    Solution 14-16 6
    Consequences 10 10, 12
    Ideals 14- 15 7-10
    Scenarios/Ex. 3-6, 12, 13 5, 14-15
    Observations 1-3 5, 14-15

  4. ali recker
    10:21 am - 9-2-2009

    1. In the first essay the writer is more open to the idea of torture were as in the second essay the writer is more against the idea of torture in any way.

    2. Topic Mirko Kermit

    torture 2-6 2-7,13
    position 7-11 10,11,13
    key words 2 2,13
    refute 2,8-10,11,13 6,10,11,13
    atitude 3 13
    solution allow it inhuman
    consequences 3,11,13 13
    ideals 16 14
    examples 2,8,9 2,3,5,7,11,14
    observation 9,12 9,10,1

    Anna Christoff
    Val Cmolik
    Katie Grilliot
    Alison Recker

  5. jieli
    3:42 pm - 9-2-2009

    Response to #1

    Your group’s answers are brief and they show the different positions held by the authors. But to have a full picture of the issue, I need necessary details. For example, I am not quite sure what “main point #1” refers to. I am aware time in class was very limited. Your group could continue to work on it though.

  6. jieli
    3:47 pm - 9-2-2009

    Response to #2

    I like your answer to the first prompt. You did a pretty good job of showing the main arguments of both essays. Your group also remmebered to include authors and titles. Great!

    You listed several topics, which are OK. But probably limited by time and space, you could not present your findings well. You are on the right track.

  7. jieli
    3:55 pm - 9-2-2009

    Response to #3

    Good job of finding the opposing points held by the authors. It’s good to have a sense of audience. Because of this, your readers can understand you.

    I am glad to see your group gave a detailed list of points. You could list the topics found in the other essay when your group have time.

  8. jieli
    3:59 pm - 9-2-2009

    Response to #4

    I think you could combine your group’s answer with Group 3’s. Your chart looks much better than your first answer. As a reader, I need more details so that I see the different views held by the authors.

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