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Monthly Archive for September, 2009

I think it is time for you to decide on your topic and go ahead fings sources. I would suggest those who still have not decided yet send me a quick email so that I can help you make judgment based on my experience. Choosing a topic and making it specific is the first thing […]

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Read “”Working at McDonald’s” on pp. 283-286 SMG, and answer the following prompts. This work is due by 9:00 pm 9/24. 1. After reading “Working at McDonald’s” write a short response (100-200 words) to the following prompt: What do you see as Etzioni’s strongest argument in the essay?  Did any of the points he makes […]

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For Essay #2, you can choose your own topics.  Since this essay is an argument, your topic should be debatable.  Please read the Assignment Sheet and the model essay “Children Need to Play, Not Compete” pp. 276-279 in SMG, and think about possible topics.  The paper is only about 4-5 pages, so specific and small […]

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Please answer the following questions after reading the article on pp. 276-279, SMG. Please finish this work by 9:00 pm 9/22. Each student is supposed to read some and respond to two posts. 1. Relate this piece to your life experience. Have you competed for anything? Like a prize, an honor, or grades?  If so, […]

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For 9/11-9/13

Please read pp. 241-247 and 73-85 in AWR, and answer the following questions briefly. You are supposed to complete this work by 6:00pm 9/13.  1. Suppose you are a member of an interest group. One assignment for you is to improve a part of an automobile.  When you work on it, suddenly you think of a message from […]

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Form a group of five or six,  and complete the following tasks with your group memebers.  Please include group members’ names and prompt number(for example, #1) when you answer the questions.  1.  What are the major arguments for each of the two essays? 2.   Compare and discuss the Topics Chart you make based on the readings […]

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