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For 8/28–8/30

Give a 100/150-word answer to the following questions. You are also expected to read and respond to at least TWO students’ anwers.  When you respond to a student’s answer, please make the number of the answer clear. For example, you can first say “In response to Comment #3,” and then you leave your response. Finish the work by 6:00 pm Sunday so that you have some time to read all posts.

1. Read and re-read “The Perfect Crime?” by Alexander Cheung in SMG (196-199).  How is this essay similar to or different from the essays you wrote in high school? What are the two things (or more) you really like. Give examples or evidence from the text.

2. Read and annotate “No Child Left Behind: ‘Historic Initiative’ or ‘Just an Empty Promise’?” by Athena Alexander (211-216). You can use “The Perfect Crime?” as an example.  Who do you think are the audiences of the paper? What is the purpose? What’s the context?

3. Are both articles trying to argue for or against an idea? What are the common features of both essays?

34 thoughts on “For 8/28–8/30

  1. Kathryn Grilliot
    2:33 pm - 8-29-2009

    GSW 1100
    Kathryn Grilliot
    1. This essay seems similar to the essays that I would write in high school because the subject matter seems like something that I would have written about in high school. The length of the essays is also a length that would probably be assigned to high school English classes for an essay. The particular vocabulary that was used in this essay seemed like the vocabulary that students in high school would write like when writing a formal essay. I didn’t think that it was like a high school essay because there were absolutely no flaws in the essay which suggests that is was done more professionally than a high school student would do it. I really liked how the author made arguments for and against downloading music off of the internet. I really liked when Alexander Cheung (the writer of the article) said, “Music is not a tangible object, but rather that it is an “experience” that cannot be owned by anyone save for the individual listener.” I also liked how he pointed out that the artist barely gets any of the money from their CD sales and usually the record companies make all of the money off of the CDs that we purchase from the store.
    2. I think that the audience for “No Child Left Behind: ‘Historic Initiative’ or ‘Just an Empty Promise’? Was geared more towards higher educated audiences that understand politics. I believe that the vocabulary in this piece was more complex that the article “The Perfect Crime?” and I think that it was aimed for and older audience than “The Perfect Crime?” I think that the purpose of this article was to give both opinions of the No Child Left Behind act to give people a better understanding of both opinions. It wasn’t meant for the author of the article to deeply express their political opinions but more for others to get a better understanding of the issue. Then context of this speech was just to help others understand the full meaning of their different opinions by expressing both sides of the argument.
    3. For the first article the author was trying to express both views and both sides of the argument. I do think that the author was leaning toward one side as opposed to the other just based on the fact that he gave more arguments for one side and less of the other. I think that the author of the first article was leaning toward the side of it being ok to download music from the internet because he even said so himself that is wasn’t illegal for him to take a song from the radio and record it onto a mix cassette tape but for some reason it isn’t ok to download a song from the internet. The other article was a bit more confusing to tell whether or not the author was taking sides. I don’t believe that the author was taking any type of sides because she used pretty good arguments and examples from both and didn’t seem to argue more for one side or another. The common features of both articles would have to be the fluctuation opinions and both topics were topics that have been avidly discussed and debated for many years now.

  2. vcmolik
    5:01 pm - 8-29-2009

    1. This essay is similar to essays i would have wrote in high school by the all over meaning of the article. This article is about school and the effectiveness of school in general, therefore it relates to other essays I wrote in high school. Also the length is similar to essays I have wrote in the past. This essay is different because of the fact that it is in a college writing book there are no mistakes. In high school essays there are always some kind of mistakes whether its grammer, spelling, or punctuation errors. One thing I really liked about this article was the different views and opinions on the matter. Cheung states that although they say when you illegally download music it is theft, “theft” many times is misleading. I also like the point that Scrivner makes when he says that theft has always been going on with music so why all of a sudden are we trying to stop it now and not earlier. I have always heard that downloading music illegally hurts the artist themselves, but I now know from this article that that is false. Scrivner wrote “there has been no concrete proof offered so far that music downloading has caused financial loss for musicians”.

  3. jieli
    6:43 pm - 8-29-2009

    Response to #1

    Great analysis and answers, Katie. You did a good job. But I like your answer to question #3 the best. I am glad you see the common features shared by both articles. In other words, you understand the goal of this chapter.

    Here I have some suggestions. When you analyze the first essay, you could find particular ideas you like. How about the writing skills, such as organization, examples, etc?

  4. jieli
    6:49 pm - 8-29-2009

    Resonse to #2

    Do you mean the first essay is similar to high school papers in terms of length and topic? You are a careful reader, because you found no or few mistakes in this essay. What’s the purpose of this essay? Does it mean to tell you that downloading music does not hurt composers? Please think about it.

  5. George Morgan
    1:57 am - 8-30-2009

    so this essay is similar to ones written in high school because it has a topic. There is an attention grabber at the beginning and let’s you know what the essay is about. After a little background on the topic, the author starts giving facts about the topic and gives a lot of them. It also has a quote from one of the sources which wouldn’t be in all the essays in high school but it would be in some of them like research papers. finally there is a work cited page for any information that was gathered from an outside sourch.

    i guess what i liked about the piece was that it was about something interesting. A majority of people listen to music and a lot of those people download music and sometimes do illegal downloading. i also like how the author went back and forth on both sides of the topic. He didn’t just stick to one side and be bias.

    i believe the audience for this piece was everyone, but people who have kids in school in particular. This is because it is about the No Child Left Behind Act and that affects all kids in school.
    I believe the purpose was to inform the audience that the act is good but at the same time sometimes bad. Sometimes the Act doesn’t work and so I believe the author is just trying to inform the audience about the situation
    I believe the context is current. President Bush was just put out of office and this Act was done under his service as president

    i believe both essays are trying to show both sides of the topic. they show both points of view and facts to support it. Both essays have lots of information and have sources to prove it. It also has a written cited page to show where the information was recieved

  6. Allegra Lane
    9:51 am - 8-30-2009

    1. This essay is similar to the essays that I wrote in high school because of its structure. It had an introduction parargraph and several body paragraphs comparing and contrasting about the topic. It aslo has a conclusion paragraph at the end that summarizes and wraps up the essay. I really liked the topic of this essay because it is such a popular subject. Music downloading seems to be a common practice by many people, especially those who cannot afford to waste too much money. I aslo liked how Cheung explains two sides of the story so that the reader will be aware of why this topic is so contraversal.

    2. I believe that the audience for “No Child Left Behind:’Historic Initiative’ or ‘Just an Empty Promise’? would be the parents of grade school or middle school students. The purpose of this essay was to make the reader aware of the positive and negative effects of the NCLB act. The author then leaves it up to the audience as to whether NCLB is fair or not. The context of this essay is explaining to parents, who may have had a child in school during the NCLB act, what to expect and to better familiarize themselves with the topic.

    3. I believe that both authors were neutral in their essays. They argued both for and against their topic. The common feature in these essays is that Cheung and Alexander went into great detail of each of the opposing arguments in their essays, but did not clairify on which argument that they themselves believed in.

  7. Anna Christoff
    10:30 am - 8-30-2009

    1. This essay is not very similar to an essay I would have written in high school. One thing the essay has in common with a high school students essay is that it is fairly short and to the point. I feel most high school students including myself keep their essays on the short side. This essay is different than an essay I would have written in high school because it uses some extremely good vocabulary terms that I was not ever familiar with in high school. The essay also has exceptional attention getters not only in the first paragraph, but the first sentences in every paragraph, this is not the kind of writing most high school students are used to. One thing I really liked about this essay is how well it presents each point of view. I also enjoyed the conclusion, it leaves the essay open and lets the reader know this is still an ongoing problem.
    2. I believe the audience to “No Child Left Behind” is adults who have children and also adults who are educators. The article is about how all children must go to school and be tested on their knowledge. This law is meant to improve the education of children and monitor their learning. The article is written as though it would be directed more towards adults more so then “The Perfect Crime”. The purpose of this article I believe is to simply state the facts of the “no child left behind” act. This article is not meant to be biased, but only to help the audience get a better understanding of the subject.
    3. I think that in both articles the authors were not showing a particular side to which they believed in. The authors did an exceptional job of presenting the information so that the reader could think for themselves and come up with their own beliefs of each subject. Personally I liked the essay “The Perfect Crime” the best. This essay was interesting to me because I share music files myself. I agree with the statement “music is not a tangible object, but rather that it is an “experience” that cannot be owned by anyone save for the individual listener”. I am really glad I got to read both of these writings, they are both great pieces and let me as the reader come up with my own conclusion.

  8. Anna Christoff
    10:34 am - 8-30-2009

    Response to #1

    I think you did a great job answering every question. I especially agree with the audience of “No Chile Left Behind” being adults of higher education and who are interested in politics. The article was very political and not something many people who are not educated would be interested in reading.

  9. Anna Christoff
    10:39 am - 8-30-2009

    Response to #2

    I agree with you on your beliefs of being able to download music. I also think that downloading music should not be illegal. I agree that calling this act “theft” is wrong. It is true this has been going on for a long time, there is no reason to stop sharing music files now.

  10. petrowr
    11:20 am - 8-30-2009

    Remington Petrow

    In his essay “The Perfect Crime?”, Alexander Cheung makes a case we’ve all heard multiple times. However, the way he presents his case is that of one who fully understands the argument without spewing bias, although he does seem to lean toward the side of the P2P users. Based on previous essays I’ve written, I’d say Cheung makes extensive use of source material, something I lack. But we both try and show, in an equal light, each side of the argument. In addition to his citing, I also appreciated how he explains the argument in a way as to adequately inform a person who doesn’t know anything about the topic. Overall I was impressed by his writing skill and the manner in which his essay was presented.

    In the essay “No Child Left Behind: ‘Historic Initiative’ or ‘Just an Empty Promise’?” by Athena Alexander, we see former president Bush’s controversial law put under scrutiny. Athena takes experts from each side and explains both their views. The essay is very non partisan. I had trouble differentiaing as to whether or not she supported either side, which some people might be looking for. Anyone interested in the education system in the United States could be considered an audience for this essay. The writing seems intent on slamming the reader with an overload of opposing data and statements and then dropping them at the end, leaving them to form their own opinion based on the information provided. Contextually speaking, “No Child Left Behind: ‘Historic Initiative’ or ‘Just an Empty Promise’?” is just a question, albeit with more to consider. Do you agree with NCLB or not?

    When comparing and contrasting both essays, similarities are present. As I’ve stated before, both give the reader the full argument, mostly devoid of bias, for each side. They provide multiple sources. The common feature for each side is not whether or not they are arguing for a specific side but are instead arguing for a choice to be made, perhaps showcasing their disgrace with the continuing conflict over the topic. No matter how you look at them, both of these essays are well written and informative.

    Responses to previous comments:

    Comment 1)
    The points brought up here are similar to mine and I agree with what’s been said. Well written and a good analysis.

    Comment 5)
    Although not as long as the previous comment, these are excellent and quick analysis’s of the essays, picking up on the major points. Very good.

  11. Stephen Pikus
    1:39 pm - 8-30-2009

    1.This essay is similar to those I would have written in high school because of the topic and the way it is written. It is written in a way that makes you pay attention and remember things. It has certain words or phrases that pop out and make you think and remember it. The length of the essay is about the same, but perhaps a little bit longer then the ones I would have written in the high school. It is different from a high school essay by the fact it has no mistakes. Every high school student makes at least one mistake in his or her essay. I really liked that fact when Cheung stated that “theft” of music has been going on for many years now so why now is it a problem. I really liked that fact because it’s a true statement that cannot be argued against.
    2. I believe that the audience for “No Child Left Behind: ‘Historic Initiative’ or ‘Just an Empty Promise’?” Was aimed towards Parents with kids in school. Every parent with a child is school only wants the best for them. They want their kid to excel to the best of their abilities. I believe that this is a good idea to have but at the same point no. I believe that there are many people who will take advantage of this system. They will send their kids to a low scouring school to get a voucher to be able to send their kid to a higher performing school. Having this system is good for all the people who truly to use it and don’t abuse it but I don’t believe it is necessary.
    3. These two essays are both showing and explaining two sides of the argument. They both state and have good points. They have many sources and background information on the topic. In each of the essay they are both written well and structured good.

    Response to previous.
    1. I think you did a good job answering and explaining. You were very detailed and informative with what you were trying to say.
    5. We had very similar views to the “No Child Left Behind: ‘Historic Initiative’ or ‘Just an Empty Promise’?” we both believe that it is written towards parents of kids who are in school.

  12. Valerie Cmolik
    2:17 pm - 8-30-2009

    I think the audience of No Child Left Behind: “Historic Initiative” or “Just an Empty Promise”? by Athena Alexander is any individual interested in the education system in the U.S. The purpose of this article is to point out the positive and negative views of the NCLB. Also to help students and parents better understand what the NCLB is about. This article lets each individual decide wether it is a pass or fail. While reading this article I was, at points, confused on wether or not Athena was for or against NCLB. This article tells us that not all teachers and facualty members agree with the NCLB and wether it is affective for students or not. The context of this article is tell help parents better understand the NCLB and what its purpose is for students.

  13. Valerie Cmolik
    2:25 pm - 8-30-2009

    In The Perfect Crime and No Child Left Behind: “Historic Initiative” or “Just an Empty Promise”? neither article is strictly for or against the issue. Both of these articles are showing the positive and negative things about each topic. They are letting the reader decide which way to believe. They let the reader take in the information they just read and decipher their own conclusion from the article. A common features between the two articles are the author leaves it up to the reader to decide on their own opinion and what they believe. The authors don’t just support one way or the other they gives facts about both sides of the issue and let you come up with your own decision in the end.

  14. Valerie Cmolik
    2:29 pm - 8-30-2009

    I want to comment on Remington Petrow’s answers because I highly agreed with each of the answers and they stated good informational facts from the articles on all three answers.

  15. Valerie Cmolik
    2:35 pm - 8-30-2009

    I also want to comment on Kathryn Grilliot because I liked how she compared the two articles a lot especially in her second answer.

  16. David Kotz
    2:45 pm - 8-30-2009

    This article is similar to the type of essay I would have written in high school because it was the same sort of topic that I would have chosen. It is something that is affecting people in our age group because we are the majority of people that download free music. It was different from a high school essay because the writing style and the vocabulary seemed to be well above what a typical high school student could write. What I liked about this essay was that the author showed both sides of the argument and backed them up equally with evidence. That way you could get a good perspective of both sides and form your own conclusion on the topic being better informed. I also liked the conclusion, it leaves the essay open and wraps up both sides of the argument nicely.

    The audience for this piece of writing is mainly for people who have kids in school and the teachers. The issue and the vocabulary are more complex in this essay than in “The Perfect Crime?” I think because of the audience it’s trying to appeal to. The purpose of this article, just like in “The Perfect Crime?” is to give people a better understanding of both sides of the argument and let them draw their own conclusions on what they think.
    Both articles do a great job of showing both sides of the argument. They don’t seem to be more for one side than the other and they give good information to support them. These issues brought up in each essay are issues that are relevant now and probably will be in the future. There is no clear cut answer to either issue.

  17. jieli
    3:50 pm - 8-30-2009

    Response to #6

    You read both texts carefully. I am glad you noted the similarities in structure between high school writing and college-level writing. I agree authors do not show their own opinions about the issues discussed.

  18. Nathan Posey
    4:16 pm - 8-30-2009

    1. the essay is similar to the ones I write in school because it is a great topic and the length would be about the same. The essay is also different because the essay gives a lot more example than ones i would write. The other difference is the way that the author made limited mistakes. I also like the way he stated how people have always been stealing songs. That wont be able to be stoped because there is no way to stop everone. I also liked how he explained what a P2P file was. I think that would help out a lot because not to many people would now what a P2P file is. I like that he breifly explain how the P2P files worked.
    2. I think that the audience of this peice is anyone that has the knowlege of the situation that is going on. The purpose of the essay is to make sure that every child has an equal opportunity to pass school. I also believe that if there was no NCLB many children would have a tough time finishing school in general. The context of this essay is current because this is an on going act. People need to stay on top of the No Child Left Behind act and keep inforcing it so that every child has the same opportunities.
    3. Both essays are arguing against there topics. By this I mean that Cheung was arguing how people stole music and also money from the record companies. Alexander was arguing against how people were kind of taking advantage of kids and blowing them off. Both of these essays are telling people to stay real. Staying real to the record companys and the artist by giving them their cut of money, and also staying real to the kids and giving them a chance to succeed like everyone else.

  19. Nathan Posey
    4:24 pm - 8-30-2009

    I want to comment on Stephens #2. i like how he thinks that children should have equal opportunities

  20. Nathan Posey
    4:30 pm - 8-30-2009

    I am also going to comment on Kathryn Grilliot #1. i like how she was so observant with the first article

  21. sarah eastman
    4:43 pm - 8-30-2009

    1. This essay is much different because most of the essays that I wrote in high school were very one sided. We did not give opposing sides equal playing time in our papers. Which is not good because I really like how in this paper you get to see to very good and well thought out ideas go head to head. I also really liked how Scrivner asked those rhetorical questions about how music was shared in the past. Like when he said ”a hundred years ago,if i heard a song at church, and rode my horse home and found myself humming it, was I stealing?”(p.197). I think that it really helped his arguement and made you really think about the how this problem is more of a man made problem then an actual problem.

    2. I think that for ”the Perfect Crime” computer people would be the audience because it is really affecting them. If the motion is passed that it is illegal it will be the people who do the downloading that it will affect. We as students are also the target of this because it must of been put in our books for a reason. Whether the writers of both arguements are trying to get us to stop downloading or to get us to think that it is okay. I think that this is a little out of date since it was written 10 years ago, and I am sure that there has been progress on this subject in one way or the other.
    In the paper ”No Child Left Behind: “Historic Initiative” or “Just an Empty Promise” is probably towards parents. My reason for thinking this is because parents are the ones that would need to know about this due to the fact that it is their child that is being tested and made sure that they are learning. I suppose it could be to the general population so as everyone knows that kids are not just going to school for no reason and that they are learning and progressing into capable citizens. this pone was written a little more recent and not something that would change hopefully to much. this one was written in 2001. If anything i think that the standards would be even more enforced because all of the kinks have been worked out of the system.

    3. Both articles do a good job of not being one sided. I think that both articles are important to todays way of thinking and they are both articles of problems that will probably persist in the future. Hopefully neither becomes a bigger problem. They both raise good questions and ideas on there topics.

  22. Ashley Lindrose
    4:50 pm - 8-30-2009

    1). “The Perfect Crime?” is similar to things I wrote in high school. Many times I was assigned to write a persuasive paper or one that explains two opposing sides. Alexander Cheung did a great job grabbing the audiences attention and explaining both sides of the arguement. In the beginning he used phrases like “shell out a Jackson” and
    “To them, the face of evil was a cat. And it wore headphones. Its name: Napster”. That really stuck out in my mind and made me interested in what he had to say about this topic. Also, when he expressed the opposing arguements he used great introductions such as “In contrast”. He did a great job.

    2). I think that “The Perfect Crime?” and “No Child Left Behind: ‘Historic Initiative’ were both aimed at educated audiences. “No Child Left Behind: ‘Historic Initiative’ was aimed toward people who are more interested into politics and knowledgeable about different laws and debates. It may have been aimed towards parents who are thinking about which schools to enroll their children in. “The Perfect Crime?” in my opinion was geared more toward younger educated people, perhaps those in college who use websites like Napster regularly.

    3). Both are just trying to expose their audience to two opposing arguments so they can become more familiar with the topics. I don’t think they are really choosing a particular side. Both essays are just informing their audience.

    In response to comment #11.
    I agree with you when you said that “A Perfect Crime?” was written more professionally. You can definately tell that Alexander Cheung is at a higher level of writing than high school.

    In response to comment #10.
    I liked how you pointed out that in ““No Child Left Behind: ‘Historic Initiative’ the writer didn’t have a preference on whether they agreed with two sides or not, and how it leaves you, the reader, to decide for yourself what your opinion is at the end.

  23. Jazzmin Hill
    4:52 pm - 8-30-2009

    I am going to agree with Kathryn Grillot in # 1. I also felt like this had a high school effect to the essay. I like how she noticed the length because I had to go back and actually read to observe the length of the essay. The format also seemed like a high school essay. In high school I was taught to always end my essay with a conclusion that stated my whole essay in one paragraph and I noticed that’s what “The Perfect Crime?” did.

    At the same time I also agree with Nathan Posey because up until twelth grade I never really used that many examples in my essay’s and I was always a good writer, but that’s where my downfall was.

    #1: I think that “The Perfect Crime?” is very similar to a high school essay, but one that is a really good high school essay. There wasnt many gramatical errors that I seen and the length was very similar to a high school essay. I feel that the writer was more on the P2P side just because it seemed like he gave them a little more slack.

  24. Ali Recker
    4:56 pm - 8-30-2009

    1. This essay is similar to ones I have written in high school becasue in the past I have written compare and contrast essays. Also the essay is similar in legnth and is about a subject matter that is interesting to the younger population like the ones I have written in the past. This essay is different in the fact that it contains little to no mistakes unlike the essays i have written back in high school. I also like how Alexander Cheung went into detail about the P2P network and how it is used. I feel this extra bit of information helps to inform the readers whom are not familiar with the subject.

    2. I think that the auidence for this esay is parents of students that have to take these tests. The purpose of this essay i feel is to inform parents and others of the pros and cons of the standarized testing system and the importance the No Child Left Behind act has to do with createing equal schools through out the country. The context of this essay was not to pursuade a person to one side over another it was to help the reader to get a better understanding of the importance of the NCLB.

    3. I feel that both of these essays have neutral points of view. They were the same in the fact that they both gave conssesions to both sides of the topic. Though the amount of conssesions the authers used made both essays have a neutral type of vibe to them.

  25. Jazzmin Hill
    5:07 pm - 8-30-2009

    “No Child Left Behind: Historic Initiative”
    I agree with David Kotz I feel that this article does have the audience of parents with children, but at the same time future parents. When you have children there are so many things that you have to think about. What if your child has a learning disability? You have to be the parent to think about is you child going to have the same oppurtunity as every other child or is your child going to be left behind because he or she doesnt learn that fast. The part of this article that caught my eye the most was on page 212, paragraph four when standernized tests were stressed the most. I feel that those test are the largest way to leave a child behind. Mainly because some students just arent good test takers, but I dont think that should determine there level of knowledge.

    My opinion sbout both articles is that I dont think that either one was taking sides in a biased kind of way. By saying that I mean that I think there sides were what they felt, but it didnt seem to be all they believed if that makes sense. I could relate more to the “No Child Left Behind” article just because I feel like if a student is trying to do there best by showing up for there education and sctually trying to learn they shouldnt be left behind and even though they have this law I still feel there are many students out here with too much potential that are being left behind.

  26. Kathryn Grilliot
    5:14 pm - 8-30-2009

    In response to number one of Ali’s answer I agree that the compare and contrast of the article is similar to the way that students would approach an essay in high school.

  27. Kathryn Grilliot
    5:18 pm - 8-30-2009

    In response to Nathan’s number two question I really liked how he worded the answer. I felt like he really understood what was going on in the article and that I felt that he fully understood who the audience of the piece was.

  28. Jie Li
    5:25 pm - 8-30-2009

    Response to #18

    Are you sure both authors are arguing against the topics?

  29. Sydney Williams
    7:17 pm - 8-30-2009

    1.The Perfect Crime?

    This essay is similar to the essays I wrote in highschool because I wrote a lot of persuasive essays that included great detail to facts. Cheung used great discriptive methods in detailing both sides of the argument. I have to agree with Ashley on the “…the face of evel was a cat. And it wore headphones. It’s name: Napster.” This phrase stuck out in my mind and made me want to read more. The length of the essay is simliar to the length of the persuasive essays I wrote in highschool as well.

    2.No Child Left Behind

    The Audience for this essay is the parents. Like ‘The Perfect Crime’ essay, this essay is a persuasive piece as well. Alexander is trying to show the supportive and non supportive sides to No Child Left Behind. Standardized testing is highly overrated and superfical to a childs learning ability. Most children “freeze up” when it comes to tests because of the pressure. This takes away from the importance of learning and the childs’ right to learn. In highschool, the teens who want to drop out are going to drop out if that’s what they choose. The point of being a teacher is to want to teach and help children learn. If the child doesn’t want to help itself, then there’s nothing standardized testing can do.

    3.Both essays are arguing for and against the topics. The common features in both essays is showing the views of both sides in the arguments. The essays are using real people who have a belief in one side or the other to show support.

    Student Response to Comment 16

    I agree with David about how he said that both essays show equal amount of arguments to both sides. They were exxplained in grat detail to make excellent essays to inform the readers.

    Student Response to Comment 6

    I agree with Allegra on how the NCLB essay is geared toward parents who have children in school. The essay is informing the parents on what the NCLB act really ended up doing to the schools.

    Ji Lie- I am sorry that this is posted late. I just read my email because I’ve been at work all weekend and my internet was down on my laptop.

  30. Kristen Gyorgak
    10:54 am - 8-31-2009

    1) This essay is not similar to something I would have wrote in high school. In my english class, we always wrote papers in which we would pull main themes from a series of works and connect them with one main theme. The sides we took had to be distinct and we had to defend our side. Maybe in a government or history class I would have had to write a paper looking at a specific issue from both sides, but never in English. One thing I really liked from “The Perfect Crime” was the introduction because I felt like it drew me in and grabbed my interest. The second thing I appreciated was the author’s ability to see both sides clearly and not seem biased, because I think that might be hard for me to do.

    2) This essay is geared towards teachers, parents, or those with higher education. “The Perfect Crime” seemed to be written for people with a lower education level, whereas “No Child Left Behind” expresses a slightly higher level context. The purpose of this article is to explain the positives and negatives to those interested in the No Child Left Behind Act. People interested in this act would likely be teachers and parents of the students who are directly affected. This article was not wirrten in a persuasive way, because the author explains both sides of the issue in a unbiased way. Therefore, the context is simply to inform the audience about this law passed by the government.

    3) I don’t feel as if either article took a definate stance on the issue. Instead of being a persuasive piece, both articles were more informative. These articles clearly explained the pros and cons of both sides of the issues at hand. However, the authors spent equivalent time with each side as to not favor one over the other.

  31. Phil Roberts
    9:41 pm - 9-15-2010

    I agree with Kristen’s comments, particularly about the ‘levels’ of each paper and the manner in which they were written.

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