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For 8/28–In-Class Questions

For 8/28–In-Class Questions

1. How do you understand “purpose,” “audience,” and “context” (p. 22, AWR)? Do you read a text the same way you read a visual?

2. What is an argument (p. 28, AWR)? When does it occur? What’s the purpose of argument? How do you treat people who disagree with you?

3. How can a student become a good writer? What/how should he/she learn? (Ch 1, SMG)

4. How can a student develop critical reading, thinking and writing skills? (Ch 1, SMG)

8 thoughts on “For 8/28–In-Class Questions

  1. Ali Recker
    9:54 am - 8-28-2009

    3. A student can become a better writer by reading more, practicing writeing and by thinking critcally.

    4. By reading a writer is able to pick up on a certain type of genre and is able to write more easily. By reconginzing problems in a writeing gives the wirter a better understanding of the text. By practiceing writeing the writer is able to improve their skills.

    Sydney Williams and Ali Recker

  2. anna and val
    9:56 am - 8-28-2009

    2. An argument is a disagreement between two people. It occurs when two people have conflicting beliefs. The purpose of an argument is to express view and come to an understanding between the two of you. I treat people who disagree with me with respect and I appreciate the different views of others.

    4. A student can develop critical reading, thinking and writing skills through discipline, observations and concentrating on the writing. It is also good to question what you read and write. It is also good to re-read the context for a better understanding.

    Anna Christoff
    Val Cmolik

  3. morgang
    9:58 am - 8-28-2009

    Sarah and George

    Purpose: You need to know what you are writing about. What the main idea is for the topic and you need to stick to that idea throughout the piece.
    Audience: Who you want to read your piece. What kind of people are you aiming to entertain or inform.
    Context: Who was the publisher, where the piece was published, and what the date of publishing is

    You don’t read a text the same way you read a visual because in a visual you just look at it. You see the pictures and characters and objects. In a text you read it and you have to imagine the characters and objects.

    3) There are multiple ways a student can become a good writer. He/she has to be able to get feedback from others. When a student can recieve feedback, he/she will be able to change and fix his/her rough drafts. Also, a good writer needs to brainstorm an idea for the piece. They need to brainstorm so you can get all your thoughts down on paper and not forget them when you are writing.

  4. morgang
    10:00 am - 8-28-2009

    our number 3 is better Sydney and Ali!!!

  5. Nathan Posey
    10:02 am - 8-28-2009

    Stephen Pikus
    Nathan Posey
    Rob Kin

    Question number 3
    A student can become a good writer by reading and reviewing the writing handbook. In the handbook you will find all the helpful hints and tips to becoming a successful writer. It is also a good idea that you have someone else such as a friend or teacher read a review what you have written. By having a second opinion you are ensuring that your paper is grade A material.

    Question number 4.
    Students can develop critical reading and writing skills in many different ways. One way of developing this is by utilizing the writing lab, in their local school. By having someone else read, help, and guide them through their writing they will enhance their writing and creativity skills.

  6. kgyorga
    10:03 am - 8-28-2009

    Kristen Gyorgak, David Kotz, Mike Earach:

    question #1: For purpose, you should look at clues, such as the titles or beginning and ending paragraphs, in order to try and gain insight into what the work is going to be about. The audience of a work is who the author is targeting with his piece of work. The context of a piece of work includes the publication date, who published it, and whether its been posted electronically or by the author. No, you interpret texts differently then you interpret visuals. With visuals you often grasp the image as a whole before you break it down into smaller pieces. The opposite seems to be true of texts since you usually grab the smaller parts before you grasp the underlying main theme.

    question #2: An argument is a path of reasoning that is meant to persuade people to accept or reject an idea. An argument occurs on issues where there is an opportunity to disagree with a certain stance somebody has taken on an issue. The purpose of an argument is to try and persuade people to see your side of the argument. When somebody disagrees with me on an issue, I usually confront them and explain to them why they are wrong. Sometimes however, you can just let it go depending on the issue or the person.

  7. Ashley, Chelsea, Katie, & Remington
    10:03 am - 8-28-2009

    2. “An argument is a path of reasoning aimed at persuading people to accept or reject in assertion. The assertion must be on an issue about which reasonable people can disagree and for which evidence can be gathered.”
    An argument arises when an opinion or assertion is debated. The purpose of an argument is to persuade a person or group of people to be accept or reject an assertion. To treat people who disagree with you is to find common logical fallacies in their argument.

    3. A student can become a better writer by reading frequently. When a student reads frequently their vocabuary expands, as well as their ability to understand topics. It also helps them to learn and think critacly and creatively. Writing also takes practice. It is true what they say, practice makes perfect. The more a student writes and revises their writing, the more likely they are to have better writing skills.

  8. laneap
    10:05 am - 8-28-2009

    1. Purpose is the motivation, or reasons to write the piece. The audience is the target, or people that the author is trying to persuade. The context tells you the significance of the piece such as “is it a current date”, “who wrote it”, is it published electronically or by an author. A text is more clear while a visual is more complex to comprehend.

    2. An argument is a way the author uses to try and convince the audience of certain ideas. It occurs during the need of persuasive ideas on a certain subject. The purpose of argument is for the author to get his/ her point across. You listen to the people who disagree with you and try convincing them that your idea is accurate.

    Allergra Lane
    Jazzmin Hill
    Derek Clark

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