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For 8/28 –Takehome Questions

1.  The main idea of  “Use writing as a tool for learning” (p. 4, AWR) is that writing is a great aid to learning.  Of all the uses on list, which one is the most important to you? Give an example or share a story with your classmates.

2.  On page 6 AWR, we are given some suggestions about being successful at college. What else can do add to the list? Why?

5 thoughts on “For 8/28 –Takehome Questions

  1. Kathryn Grilliot
    1:57 pm - 8-29-2009

    I believe that in order to be successful in college you need to get lots of sleep, join activities and meet new people (but not too many activities because then you will get too swamped!), learn how to have a good sence of managing time and be somewhat organised. Having a good attitute about things will also make you a successful person in college in my opinion.

  2. petrowr
    11:25 am - 8-30-2009

    Remington Petrow

    Success in college is unique to each individual. Finding an appropriate way to manage time is essential. Remaining optimistic is always important as is the ability to assimilate knowledge at a faster rate and to learn your topics rather than memorize them. Many people like to scare students into thinking that college is such an alien place, that they’ll fail the instant they miss a class. It’s not like that at all. Although it is more challenging, the opportunities provided to you and the structure of the learning experience make it, in my view, actually easier.

  3. Allegra Lane
    3:31 pm - 8-30-2009

    2. One thing that a student can do in order to become successful in college is to learn how to keep their “cool”. You have to learn how to not get overly stressed out. If you need to, take a break between readings or get something to eat. If you are having problems studying, find a study partner. Also, don’t be afraid to talk to your professors if you need help or just have a question on an assignment.

  4. sarah eastman
    3:58 pm - 8-30-2009

    2.) Being organized. Especially your work area. If you feel cluttered it will be harder to concentrate in my opinon then if you have a nice neat area. Also, make sure there will not be a lot of distractions. Nothing is harder then trying to learn when and write a good paper when you keep getting distracted and losing your train of thougt.

  5. Stephen Pikus
    9:17 pm - 8-30-2009

    I believe that in order to be successful in college you must be neat and organized. Being neat and organized will help you keep your homework and studying in order. Also getting enough sleep will help you pay more attention in class.

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