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Monthly Archive for August, 2009

For 8/28–8/30

Give a 100/150-word answer to the following questions. You are also expected to read and respond to at least TWO students’ anwers.  When you respond to a student’s answer, please make the number of the answer clear. For example, you can first say “In response to Comment #3,” and then you leave your response. Finish the […]

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For 8/28–In-Class Questions 1. How do you understand “purpose,” “audience,” and “context” (p. 22, AWR)? Do you read a text the same way you read a visual? 2. What is an argument (p. 28, AWR)? When does it occur? What’s the purpose of argument? How do you treat people who disagree with you? 3. How […]

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1.  The main idea of  “Use writing as a tool for learning” (p. 4, AWR) is that writing is a great aid to learning.  Of all the uses on list, which one is the most important to you? Give an example or share a story with your classmates. 2.  On page 6 AWR, we are given some suggestions about being successful […]

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Welcome Message

Hi all, here is a page where you could leave a welcome message. Just have fun here. Introduce who you are, what you expect from this class, and what kinds of comments and responses you like, etc.

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Creativity Room

We will generate and share ideas about upcoming papers.

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On this page, we share ideas and continue discussions about what we do in class.

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This is the page where you post questions and answers based on the readings.

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