Another amazing bgsu blog

The siftables are an amazing example of where our technology is going.  I showed that to my kids and no they want siftables.  🙂  I looked around the site, it is so neat the way the cubes can be combined to play a game and learn.  Technology does not cease to amaze me anymore.  Really it show how learning is evolving and the way we learn is taken on a whole new meaning.  I could of never guessed I would learn from “smart” cubes.

The awareness test, totally had me fooled.  I totally missed the moonwalking bear!  I was to busy trying to count passes lol.  Makes such a good point though, about what we may miss when we are not specifically looking for it.  Made me think how often do I do that in every day life…. miss things merely b/c I may not be “looking” for them…. As much as I hope I do not do this too often, I am sure it happens!  I can see how this can easily happen in learning, as we tackle a specific topic or task…..what do we miss along the way?  This is so enlightening, I love it.

I signed up w/ Holly G. to research Piaget theorist.  Jean Piaget was an early little scientist, interested in mollusks.  Piaget eventually became dedicated to finding a “biological explanation of knowledge”.  Piaget did not care for “right or wrong” intelligence type research, instead he asked how children reason.  Piaget’s interest continued to blossom and grow in psychology.  He used the term adaptation for what we generally call learning.

I look forward to researching and learning more about Piaget.

September 10th, 2011 at 1:03 pm and tagged  | Comments & Trackbacks (3) | Permalink

Out of the 3 modules, I liked the DNA module the best.  I enjoyed the fluidity and the various modalities they offered to present the information, such as including video, bio, and easy to follow animations.  I thought the animations were a great way to visually share the information.   The animations were my favorite and kept my attention.  It was visually appealing to my senses and easy to follow/navigate.  The “Framework for Evaluating” reading suggests:

“Presentation design Design of visual and auditory information for enhanced learning and efficient mental
Interaction usability Ease of navigation, predictability of the user interface, and the quality of the interface
help features”

I felt the DNA module easily shared those attributes.  In addition, the site was understandable.  The material was clear, concise and provided continuity as you transitioned through the process.  Goals and objectives salient and provided direction.  The module was also visually appealing to watch.

The MecMovies module I thought had positive attributes of content quality, clearly stating learning objectives, and  interaction usability.  However, I found it to be difficult to navigate and understand.  Partly b/c I do not know anything about Mechanics of Materials, but also b/c it is not clearly identified what Mechanics of Materials is or means…   Someone knew such as I visiting the module would be lost w/ out knowing what are we looking at….what does it mean…how/why is it useful to us to know.

The Neuroscience for kids module had great graphics.  I felt the step by step pictures were a great way of grabbing that aesthetic appeal.  I did feel however, as the “Points to Remember…” reading indicate, that the module was very much lacking media integration.  I would have liked to of seen at least some of the topics portrayed in an animation and/or video.  The brain development topic for example, I thought would have been a great animation.

After exploring the modules and readings I feel these criteria/attributes are most important to consider when evaluating interactive multimedia educational/training modules:

  • Ease of use and navigation~  if I can not find my way around the module, or understand how to it, I will likely abandon it and look for another
  • Content quality~ the module should have appropriate explanation and detail of what is being presented, goals, etc.
  • Layout~  does the layout facilitate learning?  Navigational cues/icons are consistent, there is continuity and fluidity
  • Aesthetics~ the module is visually appealing and reaching sensory levels as to connect w/ the learner to help provide a more effective learning environment
  • Motivation~ ability to interest the learner
  • Media integration~ the module combines various multimedia modalities to provide an effective whole
  • Overall functionality~ the learning is going away from it having learned something!
September 4th, 2011 at 8:51 am and tagged  | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink

Hi all, below is a quick Intro about me.  Misty Green, 4th semester in my Learning Design graduate program.  I enjoy and appreciative for the flexibility of online learning.  I work FT currently as an HR/Communications Coordinator, but am greatly hoping earning my Masters will open doors for me at the college level.  I am married, just celebrated 15 yrs, whoa! lol  We have twin boys age 12, who just started 7th grade.  When I get the chance of free time, I am doing school work, and chasing my boys in their sports.  🙂  Welcome all to my blog, looking forward to a rewarding semester.  🙂


August 23rd, 2011 at 1:32 pm and tagged  | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink