Another amazing bgsu blog

Reflection of past experiences are they primarily “behavioralist”, “cognitivist”, “constructivist”, or “connectivist” viewpoints and which most appeals to me as a learning designer?

I would say that for the majority my past learning experiences have been cognitivist in nature for me.  A lot of my learning the last several years has invoked much motivation, reflection, and thinking attributes.  This style does appeal to me as a learning designer because I see those elements as an important part of creativity and growth in learning design.  Being able to reflect and be motivated to implement possible ideas for change and progression.

August 30th, 2010 at 7:15 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (3) | Permalink

Hi everyone, I am Misty Green recent undergrad graduate. I am from Wooster, Oh mother of twin boys age 11, and busy with family life and working full time, plus school :). My goal is to one day hopefully teach, I’m sure this class will have a lot to for me to learn! Considering I am not a blogger……many of these blogging functions are new to me! Gracious. Please bare with me as I continue to learn and grow. Hopefully I did this right!

August 23rd, 2010 at 4:17 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (2) | Permalink