Another amazing bgsu blog

What if you could enhance learning outcomes for your students, would you?  Here is way that you may be able to do just that! 

What is Real-Time Technology:

Twitter real time example

The real-time web is a set of technologies and practices that allow users to receive information as soon as it is published by its authors, rather than requiring that they or their software check a source periodically for updates.




The benefits of technology in the classroom such as real time technology video

Resources and References:

Cutler, K. (2009, June 20).  Who rules real-time search?. Retrieved September 24, 2013 from contenders/

Google Blog. (n.d.). Relevance meets the real-time web.  Retrieved September 8, 2013 from

Huh, E.  (2002, March).  Certification of Real-Time Performance. Dissertation.

OneRiot. (n.d.).   Search the Realtime Web.  Retrieved September 1, 2013 from

Overbey, D.  (2008, May).  Study of verifying web based information. Dissertation.

Real-Time Web. (n.d.).   Realtime Web.  Retrieved September 12, 2013 from

Shared Ideas:

Real-time search is a newer technology for internet users.  Real-time searches are continuing to evolve and set to enhance the availability of information as it is produced.   The technology is also focused on the authority of what meets the standards of “now” information.  Google, OneRiot, and Twitter are a few of the internet springboards for this emerging technology.  The focus of this blog is to provide resources and support on real-time search technology and why/how they can be beneficial from an Instructor standpoint.  The hope is this information may foster Instructors in enhancing their techniques for design and delivery to any audience.

Video- click here–Real time digital technology in classrooms







Things to Consider:

Many high profile companies are starting to realize the benefits of real-time search technology and the information it yields. See this pdf Handout from Educause on adopting digital technologies in the classroom

EDTL 6310 Final Project Handout for blog

Entities such as GE, NASA, and Boeing are finding that they can utilize this new technology to continue increasing their positive return on investment.  This YouTube video is one example of how NASA utilizes real time technology.

YouTube NASA real time for weather predictions video

As more and more information is thrown out on the web, it is essential for entities such as listed to be able to decipher what is prevalent and authoritative.  An Instructor may or may not consider being in the same category, but either way, also needs to be able to discern from all the endless flow of information on the web, what is accurate and present material.  This is important because Instructors will need to practice due diligence in keeping up with and implementing new ‘schools of thought’ in their material.  Meaning it will be necessary to invoke learning with creative thoughts and ideas in an effort to enhance the learner experience not only with retention, comprehension, and development, but also with enjoyment in active learning.  I often find that when I am fascinated, or enjoying a learning experience….I engage much easier on my own volition as well as retain and practice the new information because I want too.   I have seen this to be true with many other learners and feel it is an important component of learning delivery.

303 thoughts on “EDTL 6310 Real-time Technology Blog

  1. 1
      greenm says:

    Google is a continued force with emerging technology. Searching and researching information is a natural starting point for discovering information. Google is making relevance meet real-time web searches. They are introducing new features that bring search results to life with real-time content from across the web. Results are ranked and the latest development news is brought right to your search. It may include a fresh blog post or eyewitness tweet, bringing it to you the moment it happens.

  2. 3
      greenm says:

    Please also be sure to visit links list under the “BLOGROLL” category on the left hand side navigation.

  3. 5
      greenm says:

    The rapid pace and huge volume of information created by real-time web technologies and practices is finding relevant information. Real-time search is one approach to the concept of searching for and finding information online as it is produced. Advancements in web search technology coupled with growing use of social media enable online activities to be queried as they occur. A traditional web search crawls and indexes web pages periodically, returning results based on relevance to the search query.

  4. 7
      greenm says:

    This is a great example of how real time technology is used for safety and security.

    Critical Information Resources

    Real-Time Technology Group (RTTG) is a leader in the development of trusted solutions and managed services that enhance the safety and security of public agencies and private organizations. Our patent-pending applications, unique technical expertise, and high-availability, high-security technology infrastructure manage the efficient collection, automated processing and selective presentation of critical information in real time. We are continuously building our library of resources to assist security personnel, first responders, corporate safety, human resources, operations and other professionals in reducing risk and protecting people, facilities and property.

  5. 9
      greenm says:

    Follow this link to an article that discusses utilizing real time technology in the classroom.

    The article discusses how a teacher used a google doc assignment with students in class which allowed for her to provide real time feedback to students as they were working. This is a great example on using real time technology in the classroom.

  6. 11
      greenm says:

    Penn State has developed their own version of real time technology where students can actively engage in online classes, synchronously and otherwise.

    See for examples and more detailed information.

    It is an exciting way for students to interact with an online class.

  7. 13
      greenm says:

    Educause is another great resource. They are one the nations leaders in online learning, and learning technologies.

    Visit to explore more blogs, articles, and media.

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