Another amazing bgsu blog

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The siftables are an amazing example of where our technology is going.  I showed that to my kids and no they want siftables.  🙂  I looked around the site, it is so neat the way the cubes can be combined to play a game and learn.  Technology does not cease to amaze me anymore.  Really […]

Posted at: September 10th, 2011 - 1:03 pm - Number of Comments » 3

Out of the 3 modules, I liked the DNA module the best.  I enjoyed the fluidity and the various modalities they offered to present the information, such as including video, bio, and easy to follow animations.  I thought the animations were a great way to visually share the information.   The animations were my favorite […]

Posted at: September 4th, 2011 - 8:51 am - Number of Comments » 1

Hi all, below is a quick Intro about me.  Misty Green, 4th semester in my Learning Design graduate program.  I enjoy and appreciative for the flexibility of online learning.  I work FT currently as an HR/Communications Coordinator, but am greatly hoping earning my Masters will open doors for me at the college level.  I am […]

Posted at: August 23rd, 2011 - 1:32 pm - Number of Comments » 0