Another amazing bgsu blog

This week Holly and I researched and presented a screencast/script on Jean Piaget.  Piaget created a Theory on Development.  He started as a young scientist studying mollusks.  As he grew his interest changed to psychoanalysis and essentially studying children, and their reasoning of why things are the way they are.  Piaget’s career spanned over 75 years.  He was well accomplished scientist, earning his Ph.D. in zoology.  Piaget held many chairs and distributed countless papers, and several books of his research and work.

I enjoyed researching and learning of Piaget and many of the other theorists viewing classmates screencasts.  I enjoy seeing how we all view things differently and can bring diverse perspectives together.  Theories of learning are just that, the wonderment of how we learn.  The fascination, and exploration of trying to answer the old age question(s) of why are things this way.

I enjoy Jing as well, I have used it before.  It is a great learning tool.  I would like to use it at work…I may explore its possibilities there.  I think I could utilize it for training purposes.  Holly was a wonderful partner.  Thank you Holly!

Posted by on September 18th, 2011 at 8:08 pm and tagged

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