Another amazing bgsu blog

1)      After reading and reflecting on your own ideas concerning e-learning, how would you define your own personal philosophical orientation, and how does it affect your e-learning? Is it a “purist” acceptance of one of the philosophies outlined in the reading or is it a conglomeration of several?

I would define my own philosophical orientation on e-learning carries similar patterns from the reading where the educator will need to be open minded to new technologies, embrace utilizing such features in the classroom, and be thoughtful with the devices on how the student can most learn and benefit from its use.  I think whether it be with technology or otherwise, a teacher is always evolving in the way the make connections with their students for the student to most benefit and learn.  I tend to agree with the “uses determinism” in that technology is a device that can be turned off and on.  We have the freedom and choice in whether or not we use it.  Technology extends more options.   I see this as allowing me to use technologies as I desire or need, but still with keeping boundaries in place.  Not allowing the technology to consume me.

I don’t know that I would label my thought process as “purist” acceptance.  I think it is likely more a conglomeration of many of the thoughts, ideas from the reading as well as personal life experiences.

2)      What latest trends in e-learning or social networking do you think are more damaging to e-learning in the long run, if any?

I think implementing social networking media into a learning platform will need to depend on the age of the learner and ensure it is age appropriate, as well as parameters being in place for misuse.  Students can be curious.  Damaging I don’t know, but I do think as with any curriculum there should be parameters set forth.  Really the teacher can make the classroom very creative and informative with several different technology modalities.  I guess it is a fine line, there is so much that can be of benefit in e-learning, but also a great deal that may be abused.  For example, I hear of lawsuits all the time anymore with Facebook, damaging pictures and/or posts regarding someone else which is often construed as defamation of character as they are usually posted without consent.  I think the facilitator will have the daunting task of sorting through all the riff raff to ensure a positive and appropriate e-learning experience.  Of course with college level students I would not foresee that as much of an issue because they are adults.

Posted by on September 7th, 2010 at 7:26 pm

6 thoughts on “LRND 6820 Understanding E-learning post

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      EricC says:

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