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Protype Development/Initial Module Design~ 11/20/11 & 11/27/11 MUI Training for work

Posted at: November 20th, 2011 - 11:02 am - Number of Comments » 0

Misty’s Project Page Instructional and Technical Strategies Instruction will be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation (as per request of my company). This will be delivered in a live training session w/ staff members approximately 30-45 minutes long. Instructional design model Interface will be utilized in the 2010 version of PowerPoint. The facilitator will […]

Posted at: November 13th, 2011 - 1:02 pm - Number of Comments » 2

Misty’s Project Page Needs Analysis: We have a need for our direct care and other staff, we serve individuals w/ developmental disabilities, to understand what a Major Unusual Incident, or MUI, is and is not. I am currently working on creating this for work. Learning Module: My learning module will cover the MUI topic from […]

Posted at: November 6th, 2011 - 4:19 pm - Number of Comments » 2