Another amazing bgsu blog

Misty’s Project

Needs Analysis:
We have a need for our direct care and other staff, we serve individuals w/ developmental disabilities, to understand what a Major Unusual Incident, or MUI, is and is not. I am currently working on creating this for work.

Learning Module:
My learning module will cover the MUI topic from various angles in an effort to reach all levels of staff, which will be required to take this on an annual basis.

Explain what a Major Unusual Incident is.
Provide rules and mandatory reporting timelines.
Give real life examples of an MUI and one that is not an MUI.
Affirm the importance of reporting to protect individuals health and safety.

Intended Audience:
Any staff w/ our agency working w/ the individuals.

Learning Goals:

  1. What is an MUI
  2. What are the reporting rules
  3. What is not an MUI
  4. Categories of MUI
  5. Who needs to report
  6. How to report


  1. Documentation and reporting.
Posted by on October 30th, 2011 at 7:44 pm and tagged

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