Another amazing bgsu blog

Interactivity to me means in the simplest terms learning is taking place on an engaging level for the learner at hand. points out that includes effective reflection, validation, and yes interaction! But who gets to say what is effective? I think what one considers “effective” can and will vary by learner. It is important to remember the parts of our compound word here…inter…activity…essentially mean to place in action. Ok so keep it simple and connect, engage, and explore with your learner! Make it fun, interesting, and dare I say different! Be willing to go outside your comfort zone, meanwhile helping the learner explore outside theirs as well.

The “Engage me or Enrage me” article really stuck out to me in a few ways. One with younger and younger generations becoming so involved with our minute by minute communication and gaming age, why not find creative ways to include this in the classroom. For example, maybe have kids follow a person of interest on twitter….I’m sure some educators do accept this “new” age challenge…I am just not sure of many in my area…that is k-12 age. The other thing that stuck out to me in that article was about how students desire to be challenged. I find this to be very true. I see it in myself and my own children. They often come home from school saying it was a boring day. That’s frustrating! Challenge your students, they can do it! By this I do not mean overwhelm them…but utilize a variety of creative solutions that are available. Try a different approach use humor.

I realize that often times this starts with administrators who may be deciding what can and can not be implemented, so we just have to continue to advocate to them and anyone in a such position that change is needed and the learners demand it.

Posted by on October 23rd, 2011 at 6:28 pm and tagged

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