Another amazing bgsu blog

The siftables are an amazing example of where our technology is going.  I showed that to my kids and no they want siftables.  🙂  I looked around the site, it is so neat the way the cubes can be combined to play a game and learn.  Technology does not cease to amaze me anymore.  Really it show how learning is evolving and the way we learn is taken on a whole new meaning.  I could of never guessed I would learn from “smart” cubes.

The awareness test, totally had me fooled.  I totally missed the moonwalking bear!  I was to busy trying to count passes lol.  Makes such a good point though, about what we may miss when we are not specifically looking for it.  Made me think how often do I do that in every day life…. miss things merely b/c I may not be “looking” for them…. As much as I hope I do not do this too often, I am sure it happens!  I can see how this can easily happen in learning, as we tackle a specific topic or task…..what do we miss along the way?  This is so enlightening, I love it.

I signed up w/ Holly G. to research Piaget theorist.  Jean Piaget was an early little scientist, interested in mollusks.  Piaget eventually became dedicated to finding a “biological explanation of knowledge”.  Piaget did not care for “right or wrong” intelligence type research, instead he asked how children reason.  Piaget’s interest continued to blossom and grow in psychology.  He used the term adaptation for what we generally call learning.

I look forward to researching and learning more about Piaget.

Posted by on September 10th, 2011 at 1:03 pm and tagged

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