Another amazing bgsu blog

Currently browsing posts found in September2011

This week Holly and I researched and presented a screencast/script on Jean Piaget.  Piaget created a Theory on Development.  He started as a young scientist studying mollusks.  As he grew his interest changed to psychoanalysis and essentially studying children, and their reasoning of why things are the way they are.  Piaget’s career spanned over 75 […]

Posted at: September 18th, 2011 - 8:08 pm - Number of Comments » 0

The siftables are an amazing example of where our technology is going.  I showed that to my kids and no they want siftables.  🙂  I looked around the site, it is so neat the way the cubes can be combined to play a game and learn.  Technology does not cease to amaze me anymore.  Really […]

Posted at: September 10th, 2011 - 1:03 pm - Number of Comments » 3

Out of the 3 modules, I liked the DNA module the best.  I enjoyed the fluidity and the various modalities they offered to present the information, such as including video, bio, and easy to follow animations.  I thought the animations were a great way to visually share the information.   The animations were my favorite […]

Posted at: September 4th, 2011 - 8:51 am - Number of Comments » 1