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Currently browsing posts found in November2010

How are communities of learning the same or different in comparison to connectivism? I think communities of learning relative to college level education are similar to connectivism in that new information is recognized, researched and discussed.  Also in my experience teachers foster learning outside ourselves, through new development and engagement in a variety of new […]

Posted at: November 29th, 2010 - 4:14 pm - Number of Comments » 1

1) Describe your opinion of the “effect of technology” vs. “the effect with technology” on intelligence? The effect of technology on intelligence is the new gadgets and tools we now have available to help engage learning.  We now have the world wide web, smart phones, and endless programs, such as BB and Moodle to promote […]

Posted at: November 16th, 2010 - 10:57 am - Number of Comments » 7

I have viewed 5 other classmates PLE presentations and they have been very enlightening.  I have learned several things that will help me continue to build my own PLE which I will be exploring further. Including: igoogle yahoo organization adding a calendar to my homepage google docs symbaloo And several different ways I can organize […]

Posted at: November 11th, 2010 - 6:20 pm - Number of Comments » 0

My Screencast for my PLE…..follow this link I am definitely learning as we go and my PLE continues to grow.  I hope you can take something away from it.  I know I will from everyone else!  🙂

Posted at: November 4th, 2010 - 7:35 pm - Number of Comments » 5