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I plan to do a research paper on PLE’s for my Research Project.

In progress :).

Posted by on September 28th, 2010 at 6:41 pm

2 thoughts on “LRND 6820 Research plan

  1. 1
      ericc says:

    Hi Misty. PLEs are an interesting topic for research. (I’m hoping you find some stuff in your research that helps you with your PLE project, too!)

    Can you elaborate a little more on your research interests? (There’s a TON of material coming out on PLEs, so having a specific question or problem in mind will help make the search process manageable and keep you from getting overwhelmed with potential articles and resources to process.)

    Also (just tossing out an idea here), since all of your classmates are in the process of developing PLEs, you might think about whether your peers and their PLEs could be potential data sources for part of your project. Even if this isn’t the case, I’d encourage you to share some of the good resources you find in your literature search with the rest of the class, either by sharing bookmarks to our Diigo group or posting links here on your blog. I’m sure everyone would be appreciative of you pointing them towards items that could help them enhance their own PLEs.

  2. 3
      greenm says:

    Specific research interests include wiki’s, blogs, and the web for starters. I will defintiely try to remember sharing on Diigo links. 🙂 thank you.

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