Another amazing bgsu blog

1)  How do you stay connected and on top of current info?  What nodes (books, people, web sites, etc) do I use?

I really am not sure that I do a very good job at staying quite on top of current information, but when I do, I use websites that are pretty general like MSN, Google, I check BG a lot and my e-mail frequently.  I suppose I typically think that if it is something that important it will be sent to me in an e-mail so I don’t forget!  I check out MSN usually just about daily on current events/info things like that.  I do also rely on word of mouth from people I work with and family.  I will occasionally check out the local paper as well, usually online.

2)  Siemen’s says ‘Understanding that a different view exists is very different from seeing the different view’.  Talk about an experience that relates to this thought.

I could probably talk about this all day between my husband and I.  We often have different views which we readily acknowledge, but rarely do I think we really “see each others different view”.   It can be quite difficult to “see” what someone else see’s when quite simply we think differently, we have different opinions, and do not always have the same thought process, pattern, or even ideals at times.  That does not go for just my  husband and I :), but all of us.  Everything lies in the eyes of the beholder, what I may ‘see’, you may not……  I think that is often what makes life interesting, messy, and fun… that we are all different.  That is what kind of evens my husband and I out if you will…..what he thinks of I don’t and what I think of he doesn’t… 🙂  

Posted by on September 14th, 2010 at 8:44 pm

6 thoughts on “Week 4 LRND 6820 ‘knowing knowledge’

  1. 1

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Eric Calvert, mbgreen1234. mbgreen1234 said: LRND 6820—Check out my blog for week 4 on Siemens […]

  2. 3
      Eric Calvert says:

    Hi Misty. Have you found any learning design or ed tech related blogs or online publications you’ve started following yet via Twitter, RSS, or e-mail subscription?

  3. 7
      Melissa says:

    Hey Misty,
    It is kind of hard to stay on top of everything these days there is just so much information out there. I like to listen to the news in the morning when getting ready for work and then some news station on my way to work. It seems like checking all the different accounts like Twitter, Facebook, rss feeds, multiple email accounts etc, is just so time consuming. Then once you sit down to check everything its hard to walk away. This can be difficult and it takes some personal discipline to manage your time and still keep up on other obligations. Melissa

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        greenm says:

      Your right. Once I get on to check things and do some hw, I always am on much longer than I originally planned! Sometimes that is cumbersome. :). Misty

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        Rachel says:

      I agree with Melissa that it can be very time consuming to check all of the different outlets for information….and often you can get so absorbed in it! I think choosing a couple different accounts and trying to streamline and organize information is the most difficult part!

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