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Reflection of past experiences are they primarily “behavioralist”, “cognitivist”, “constructivist”, or “connectivist” viewpoints and which most appeals to me as a learning designer? I would say that for the majority my past learning experiences have been cognitivist in nature for me.  A lot of my learning the last several years has invoked much motivation, reflection, […]

Posted at: August 30th, 2010 - 7:15 pm - Number of Comments » 3

Hi everyone, I am Misty Green recent undergrad graduate. I am from Wooster, Oh mother of twin boys age 11, and busy with family life and working full time, plus school :). My goal is to one day hopefully teach, I’m sure this class will have a lot to for me to learn! Considering I […]

Posted at: August 23rd, 2010 - 4:17 pm - Number of Comments » 2