Reader Response 9/16

When thinking about starting my essay, there should be a few things kept in mind.  First of all the start to my essay is very important.  The planning process can sometimes take a while so it is good to get things started early.  So the first thing I will do, is to think of a topic.  Once I have my topic chosen, it will be easier to work with.  Then from there I can start planning the way I want my paper to flow.  Keeping your paper going with support is the biggest thing.  I plan to explain my view on something, and then go at it more intensely with support.  This will hopefully persuade the audience in my thinking.  Also keeping the audience attentive is important.  I will probably come up with certain stunning facts about the issue or just make it interesting to read.  Once my paper is completed, I will give it to someone else to read for revision.  This will help with catching errors, and will let me know to make things more clear.  Once finished with the revising step, I will go back to my paper and edit it to correct things.  This should ensure a great paper that will persuade anyone.

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