Reader Response





-Address counter argument


When someone thinks about an argument, they usually think people raising their voices at one another.  Well that may be true in real life, but in a paper argument, there really is no room for raising any voices.  Instead, in a paper, you would add knowledgeable support.  The reason we use support, is so that we don’t raise our voices and use name-calling motives.  This helps us stay focused on the issue rather than worrying about what should be said next in defense.  Not only is support helpful to prevent fights, but also they are actually very effective.  Effectiveness is one of the most important things in an argument because you are trying to make someone believe along the same lines as you.  To do this successfully, the speaker at the time must make a lasting effect on the listener.  Supports are needed quite often to make your point clear and appealing.  On the other hand, you can spend a little time off explaining the passion that could be behind it, which might take more than just facts to support your personal view, or the view you must argue.  As one can see, a supported argument gets a person farther in that type of situation better than if you were to just start name-calling, or cutting the opposing view down.

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