Revision Process

Through many in class discussions talking about the “This I Believe” essay, there have been many ideas on revising and editing my paper. After thinking about it a while, I have decided to do it in a very orderly way. When I say orderly, I mean there will actually be an order to the process. When I first start, I will completely read my essay all the way through. In doing this, I hope to find grammatical errors along with things that could be said in a more clear and easy to read way. This will involve me actually writing on my essay in order to remember to fix my mistakes. I feel like this starting approach is helpful because when reading my essay all the way through, I will get a better understanding of the piece as a whole. My next step will be to go through my rough draft on the computer and physically fix the problems I circled of noticed. This should hopefully take care of most of my mistakes. The last thing I will do is give my revised essay to one of my friends to have them read it. This will serve as an outsider opinion, which is very important to a writer. This is the extent of my revision process.

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