Archive for September, 2009

Reader Response 9/28

Sunday, September 27th, 2009

Academic honesty is a very important thing to tend to.  To be a part of the university or any other school, means you must obey the academic honesty that is suggested.  It really is an important thing to keep true to.  This is because for example, when cheating on a paper, it means that you use someone else’s work, which means you shouldn’t pass the class.  Also threatening and bribing your teacher are forms of academic dishonesty.

Reader Response 9/21

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

In thinking about what essay prompt I was going to choose, I kept a couple of things in mind.  First of all, I asked myself, when watching the video in class, how did I feel?  And if I did feel about something, was it strong enough to write an essay on?  There were many different sections to the movie, which created many strong feelings on different topics, but only one stood out to me.  I considered these things and decided to write my essay on the third prompt.  This prompt talks about the type of material that is out there on the Internet, and if it should be filtered for kids and teens.  Sites such as, “How to commit suicide”, and other sites about anorexia are the major ones.  I definitely chose to go with the side of yes; these types of websites should be filtered to almost anyone.  Even though many of these people were adults, like eighteen and over, these sites are extremely controversial.  Yes, you may be an adult and make your own decisions, but not decisions on how to kill yourself.  Again I chose this prompt on this essay because I feel so strongly in one way.  I feel that it is completely wrong and should not have even been put on the Internet in the first place.  Not only do the sites with this information that the movie talks about pose a positive sense on the subject, but one can easily blog or instant chat with someone with the same problem.  In my essay, I plan to discuss these different types of behavior in more detail to try to persuade my reader to feel the same way I do.

Reader Response 9/16

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

When thinking about starting my essay, there should be a few things kept in mind.  First of all the start to my essay is very important.  The planning process can sometimes take a while so it is good to get things started early.  So the first thing I will do, is to think of a topic.  Once I have my topic chosen, it will be easier to work with.  Then from there I can start planning the way I want my paper to flow.  Keeping your paper going with support is the biggest thing.  I plan to explain my view on something, and then go at it more intensely with support.  This will hopefully persuade the audience in my thinking.  Also keeping the audience attentive is important.  I will probably come up with certain stunning facts about the issue or just make it interesting to read.  Once my paper is completed, I will give it to someone else to read for revision.  This will help with catching errors, and will let me know to make things more clear.  Once finished with the revising step, I will go back to my paper and edit it to correct things.  This should ensure a great paper that will persuade anyone.

Reader Response

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009





-Address counter argument


When someone thinks about an argument, they usually think people raising their voices at one another.  Well that may be true in real life, but in a paper argument, there really is no room for raising any voices.  Instead, in a paper, you would add knowledgeable support.  The reason we use support, is so that we don’t raise our voices and use name-calling motives.  This helps us stay focused on the issue rather than worrying about what should be said next in defense.  Not only is support helpful to prevent fights, but also they are actually very effective.  Effectiveness is one of the most important things in an argument because you are trying to make someone believe along the same lines as you.  To do this successfully, the speaker at the time must make a lasting effect on the listener.  Supports are needed quite often to make your point clear and appealing.  On the other hand, you can spend a little time off explaining the passion that could be behind it, which might take more than just facts to support your personal view, or the view you must argue.  As one can see, a supported argument gets a person farther in that type of situation better than if you were to just start name-calling, or cutting the opposing view down.

Revision 9/9/09

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

The one revision strategy that I chose to work with is, “Is there a logical organization inherent within the paper?”

The reason I chose to do this one, is because it will help me focus on creating a better flowing essay.  This will make it much easier for the audience to read.

Revision Process

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

Through many in class discussions talking about the “This I Believe” essay, there have been many ideas on revising and editing my paper. After thinking about it a while, I have decided to do it in a very orderly way. When I say orderly, I mean there will actually be an order to the process. When I first start, I will completely read my essay all the way through. In doing this, I hope to find grammatical errors along with things that could be said in a more clear and easy to read way. This will involve me actually writing on my essay in order to remember to fix my mistakes. I feel like this starting approach is helpful because when reading my essay all the way through, I will get a better understanding of the piece as a whole. My next step will be to go through my rough draft on the computer and physically fix the problems I circled of noticed. This should hopefully take care of most of my mistakes. The last thing I will do is give my revised essay to one of my friends to have them read it. This will serve as an outsider opinion, which is very important to a writer. This is the extent of my revision process.

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