Archive for August, 2009

Reading Response 8/28

Sunday, August 30th, 2009

When reading the stories of “This I believe”, there are many commonalities between stories.  Some of them would be the fact that they all start with a story.  The story usually means a great deal to the person writing it. Another commonality is that after the story, the writer goes into how the story is relevant to what he values in life the most.  In one of the stories, “A Shared Moment of Trust”, the writer starts with a story of how he was driving and how he had to share the road with a car only being separated by a painted-on line.  He then starts on how he believes that this is how the world works.

The goals of a, “This I Believe” essay is very simple but quite clever. Usually, an essay starts with a story that the writer vividly remembers and means a great deal to him or her. A goal to accomplish a successful essay is to quickly catch the reader’s attention. In doing this, you ensure that the reader is going to continue reading and actually soak up some of the information. Another goal is to keep the essay short. This will make sure that the reader stays attentive in reading and will once again gain something from reading the essay. If using these goals, the writer will successfully achieve a great essay.

Friday, August 28th, 2009

Writing is important because it makes a mind think creatively.  When writing an essay, you need to give more than just the facts.  You should make it interesting for the reader.

Brittany, I believe that writing is important because it mostly forces you to think creatively.  You should always make something entertaining for the reader.

Writing is a very important tool used later on in life.  If you learn the right skills, your writing in the future will be interesting and will come easily to you.

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