Community Through Music.
GAME aims to perform themed music to the best of its capability, and prides itself on the ability to collaborate, as well as having a freely flowing stream of ideas. GAME emphasizes building relationships with one another to form a network of like-minded individuals.
The Game and Anime Music Ensemble is a student organization founded by Ronnie Hill in 2007, and is located in Bowling Green State University’s Kreischer Arts Village Learning Community. We are dedicated to performing music from video games and anime, often at conventions around Ohio as well as various BGSU events!
For those who are not fans of video games or anime, no worries – you can enjoy our music anyway! There are many different musical genres used in games and anime; including but not limited to metal, jazz, classical, pop – and probably anything else you can think of, so there’s definitely something worth listening to! Even better, not every song is in Japanese. If you are heavily into video games and anime, or just like music, then you should definitely check out our group!
GAME works to put together an annual set list of music that can satisfy the tastes of many different people. In order to accomplish the task of getting performance-ready, GAME members come together to practice and perfect music in weekly rehearsals, in addition to any work that members complete individually. We also give our members the opportunity to do side projects, so there are even more chances to perform something they love! There are numerous positions members can take or run for, but we also believe that every member brings something special to our group, so we strongly value every single person who joins us!
GAME can help students improve their skills in communication, teamwork, performance, and music. We accept vocalists, instrumentalists, those who assist with our equipment, and anyone else who is interested in joining! Aside from becoming a part of the ensemble as a whole, members can also join one or more of the following:
- Council (members of council must be elected into these positions)
- President– Thomas Montesanto
- Vice President/Music Director– Hanna Felver & Lauren Stitle
- Secretary– Joseph Hattery
- Treasurer– Brad Simpson
- Performance Coordinator– Mickayla Thompson
- Arts Village Representative– Steven McNeal II
- Membership Representative– Damia Davis
- President– Thomas Montesanto
- Committees
- Tech/Stage Crew– This committee is for members interested in assisting GAME run tech on our soundboard Wily, as well as setting up and managing our equipment.
- Transcription Committee– Members of this committee are responsible for writing the sheet music the org uses.
- Media Advertising Committee– In this committee members share ideas and opinions on merchandise and advertising, as well as assist in running GAME’s social media channels.
- Music Leadership– This committee’s members are appointed by our music director to lead GAME’s different musical sections such as brass, strings, woodwinds, vocals, rock, and tech.
- HR Committee– The HR committee assists the Membership Representative in coming up with and planning social events for GAME
- Performance Coordination Committee– This committee helps the performance coordinator in planning and setting up all potential gigs for the org.
- Tech/Stage Crew– This committee is for members interested in assisting GAME run tech on our soundboard Wily, as well as setting up and managing our equipment.
Therefore, our members have endless opportunities to learn! So, to recap: GAME performs music from video games and anime at conventions and other events, and in doing so our members improve their skills and become more prepared for their futures.
Make sure to check out our other pages for more information!