
Upon becoming a member of the ensemble, you are expected to…

  • Show respect to council members as well as group leaders and general membership during meetings/rehearsals by paying attention, not talking out of turn, and showing up for scheduled meetings/rehearsals on time.
  • Notify our secretary 24 hours in advance if you will be late or are unable to attend a meeting/rehearsal. Exceptions to this rule include family emergencies and documented sickness.
  • Practice outside of scheduled rehearsals.
  • Promote a pleasant environment among all members of the ensemble.
  • Notify a council member IMMEDIATELY if you MUST leave the ensemble entirely, and to make an effort to contact those, current members or otherwise, that may be able to replace you in your assigned songs.

Realize that violation of these conditions may result in immediate termination from the ensemble. GAME OVER…

The rest of our rules and expectations can be found in our constitution, which can be viewed here.