Social Media That Can Help Strengthen…Your Social Media

For those looking to strengthen their social media presence, often an integration of data consumption and practical tutorial can provide invaluable insight. As this blog post outlines, both of those factors can be tackled with free online resources.

As journalist Mike Wallace once said, “All I’m armed with is research.” This statement recapitulates how important empirical knowledge is to the professional strategists, including social media planners. The Social Habit provides that research. A Chapel Hill consulting group, The Social Habit uses surveys and other methodology to supply business clientele with marketing insights concerning that particular company’s social media. However, one does not necessarily have to order The Social Habit’s services in order to use them as a resource.

The Social Habit’s blog contains myriad useful posts about topics such as brand loyalty, the average ages of social media users, and how political affiliations affects social media usage. Most of the posts contain soundly researched data and easy-to-read graphs. Though much sparser, @thesocialhabit features tweeted links to outside research on social media, as well as other posts useful to the social media novice.

Once you have consumed all of the data, what do you do with your newfound social media wisdom? I suggest you follow Blast Media, an Indianapolis-based public relations firm that specializes is Social Media Optimization (SMO).  As anyone viewing their website can tell, Blast Media targets young professionals and businesses looking to spice up their brand with a healthy dose of trendiness.  Though they are technically a for-profit organization like The Social Habit, extremely constructive free content pours forth from their blog and twitter feed.

With an average of eight tweets every weekday, links to various diverse social media/public relations topics can be found on Blast Media twitter; from how-to’s like “8 Ways to Manage Negative PR” to digital current events such as “Pinterest Launches Business Accounts.” Long-form topics on the Blast Media blog range from social media blunders to innovative consumer-client coverage. If you’re a business with a younger audience looking to improve your social media status, then all of the info provided by Blast Media will undoubtedly be helpful to you.

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