Professional Social Media: Hire Experience Over Age

Let’s say I’m starting a business: an independent video rental emporium. My knowledge of accounting pales in comparison to my knowledge of rare videocassettes, so I decide to hire someone to head my business’s finances. The two candidates for the job are as follows: a recently graduated 23-year-old who holds two MBAs (one in economics, one in accounting) and has had numerous successful, financial-based internships. The other candidate is a middle-aged ice cream truck driver who has been paying his own bills and balancing his own checkbook for thirty years. Who would be the smarter hire?

The answer to me is obvious – the 23-year-old. The point that I am attempting to make is that experience and age are not always co-related. It would be extremely nonsensical to hire anyone for anything based solely on his or her age “just because,” (to quote Hollis Thomases’s article). This includes social media. If a CEO assumes someone will do a bang-up job with the company’s facebook simply because the candidate is young and has a personal facebook account, of course something will go wrong. But I believe the problem has less to do with a person’s age and more to do with a person’s (lack of) relevant experience.

A majority of Ms. Thomases’s “11 Reasons” why “A 23-year-old shouldn’t run your social media” are not exclusive to recent college graduates. Even if you put a 43-year-old marketing executive in charge of your company’s pintrest and instagram accounts, you would still need to ensure the new social media coordinator understands your business’s mission, reputation, and audience. Further, no matter the person’s age or experience, it would be a poor decision to give that person total control over the social media without “keeping the keys.” Conversely, not all 23-year-olds are irresponsible, unfocused no-nothings with zero concept of corporate culture. Ms. Thomases and I are really arguing the same point from opposite directions: when a business hires someone to run the social media, age alone should have nothing to do with it.

6 thoughts on “Professional Social Media: Hire Experience Over Age

  1.   Austin J. Hunt
    September 18th, 2012 | 11:18 am       

    I totally agree. Experience should always be the main factory in a hire. Although, some people may see young people as a risk factor when it comes to the business world, some should see it as a bonus. Brands will get an entirely new outlook with hiring young people.

  2.   Kathryn Gorman
    September 18th, 2012 | 1:14 pm       

    I completely, totally, and without any hesitation agree with your post. It is really discouraging and hard to swallow that someone would judge me as being incompitent just because of my age. That means I can have all of the experience/internships working with social media in the world, but it won’t make a difference because I am a 23 year old recent graduate. I also mentioned in my blog that “handing over the keys” to a new hire is a mistake no matter what the age of the new hire. Until they have proved that they know the image the company wants to put off, the voice they use when addressing the media, etc, they should not be allowed to run social media alone.

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