Social Media That Can Help Strengthen…Your Social Media

For those looking to strengthen their social media presence, often an integration of data consumption and practical tutorial can provide invaluable insight. As this blog post outlines, both of those factors can be tackled with free online resources. As journalist Mike Wallace once said, “All I’m armed with is research.” This statement recapitulates how important […]

Consuming News Via Social Media Begets Partisanship

In a recent article posted on PBS MediaShift, a former BuzzFeed intern warned against the hazards of live-tweeting during political debates: “It is easier than ever to find people who agree with you, and to shut out those who don’t.” Thus highlights a significant problem in obtaining political news from one’s personal social networks. The […]

Occupy provides ground-level #Sandy relief using social media

Nearly thirteen months ago, a mass protest formed in the financial district of New York City. The protest eventually morphed into a full-on movement, spreading to cities far beyond the Big Apple. Young professionals, students, homeless people, families, and idealists alike joined together to publically illuminate America’s economic disparity and challenge the conventions and institutions […]