MSE2 Reminders

By , March 16, 2010 12:14 pm

Some stuff to consider as you compose MSE2:

–I’ll be grading the quality of your ARGUMENT (logical? pragmatic? reasonable?)
–I’ll be grading the quality of your SYNTHESIS (2 quotes per paragraph? synthesized 2nd quote intro? meaningful end-of-paragraph interaction?)
–I’ll be grading the quality of your SOURCES (credible? timely? relevant? from a range of pubs?)
–I’ll be grading the quality of your METADISCOURSE (transitions at the top and bottom of each paragraph? helpful topic sentences?)
–I’ll be grading the FOCUS of your paragraphs (do they stay on track? is the research appropriate?)
–I’ll be grading the DEVELOPMENT of your paragraphs (are they fully realized or do they seem lazy?)
–I’ll be grading the ORGANIZATION of your paragraphs (do they flow from one to the next logically?)
–I’ll be grading your COUNTERARGUMENT (explained? refuted/conceded? synthesized?)
–I’ll be grading your INTRO (attention-getting? do you have an epigraph? quotes? context? key terms? background info?)
–I’ll be grading your CONCLUSION (do you end meaningfully, urgently? do you use quotes?)
–I’ll be grading your TONE (is it respectful? academic? formal? third-person?)
–I’ll be grading your MLA (every quote clearly introduced? cited correctly in the Works Cited page?)
–I’ll be grading your VOCABULARY (lively? varied? complex? far-reaching?)
–I’ll be grading your VERB TENSE (active? not passive?)
–I’ll be grading your GRAMMAR (correct? no comma splices, run-ons, fragments?)
–I’ll be grading your VISUALS (do you use any images? are they helpful? relevant?)
–I’ll be grading your TITLE (provocative? snazzy?)

Email me any questions as you compose (

Feel free to use MS Word’s comment feature to type up any/all questions that arise as you compose.

Writing Center = still accepting tutor appointments (372-2221) and online consultations.

Jerome Library = accepting Individual Research Appointments for papers on any topic.

Screenr: Week 10, MSE2

By , March 16, 2010 9:02 am

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