Learning The Blog System

eraabe on December 7th, 2010

AutoCAD was one of the first Computer Aided Design programs to be made available on personal computers. It was released in 1982 by Autodesk, Inc., and offered a personal solution to software that was before then released only for larger workstations. According to Wisegeek.com “CAD programs prior to AutoCAD required massive amounts of computing power […]

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eraabe on December 6th, 2010

 The Bowling Green Ice Arena was built in 1967, and contains a 5,000-seat hockey rink, a curling rink, a figure skating studio, a skate shop and Center Ice Club. The overall presentation of the ice arena appears to be old and outdated. In interior is also out dated but changes and updates have been made. […]

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eraabe on September 7th, 2010

Today we are learning how to use our blog! I feel dumb while trying to understand how to use this program.

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