Hello my name is Emmily Hunter and I am Senior at Bowling Green State University. Unfortunately I will probably have to take a victory lap so this is not my last year. A little bit about myself, I am 21 years old and am recently married. My husband and I are also expecting a son whom we are naming Noah David Hunter on December 14th, the week of finals. Perfect timing right? My major is Event planning with a minor in Business. If you were to ask me what is my career goal, I wouldnt be able to tell you. I feel I could develop my skills in many different areas of the career field such as marketing, event planning, communications, sales, PR , HR, entrepreneurship and many more. Hopefully within the next couple of years I will have an “AHA” and figure it out! For now I am going to do my best with this blog considering it’s a class project and I realize I am somewhat technology challenged.

God Bless,

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