After assessing the BGSU campus for the ADA scavenger hunt I have concluded that, Bowling Green State University is doing its best in order to meet ADA standards.

Below are some examples of different ways BGSU is trying to maintain inclusion.

Wheelchair ramps into library
Handicap parking available in all lots
Pool lift which is located at BG Rec Center
Handicap bathroom stalls and dedicated handicap bathrooms (e.i. Eppler)
Slanted mirrors and lower rise sinks located in bathrooms
Brail writing located on room labels
Accessible hallways
Automatic handicap doors located in Olscamp, Union, and Health Center
Handicap accessible rails

Although Bowling Green State University is doing its best to meet ADA standards, there were some areas on campus that could use some improvements. Below the following improvements,

Jerome library does not meet ADA standards for drinking fountains. There was only one drinking fountain available, and it was so tall that even I had a hard time functioning it.

Eppler does only have one working elevator and 3 sets of stairs for the entire building. I can see this being a problem because last year the elevator was broken for most of the semester, it seemed. If the elevator were to break, how else would a person in a wheelchair be able to get to the second or third floor?

Mosley hall does not have a ramp leading into their building. There is an entrance on the ground which is inconvenient because students would have to enter into the ground floor then taking an elevator to the first floor. Other students can just walk up the steps outside into the first floor.

After furthering my research, I was able to find Bowling Green State University’s ADA Advisory Committee website. This website educates the BGSU community on issues of disability awareness and inclusion.

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