“A Program Statement is a detailed description of the functional requirements, expressed in narrative form, that are to be achieved in a construction project. It is required for each capital improvement project and recommended for many smaller projects as well. It is applicable to new construction, remodeling and renovation projects (Indiana Program Statement).”

According to the Iowa State Board of Regents, “The program statement describes the facility which is to be constructed in terms of purpose and scope. It may be prepared prior to hiring a design consultant or with the assistance of the consultant. Once prepared and approved, the program statement provides a basis for agreement between the project user, the institution, and the design consultant.” “The board office shall be provided with the program statement prior to the institution initiating the project design. The program stamen may include a review of the design concepts and projected measures of efficiency…”

Objectives: To create a comfortable learning environment for all students.

Basic Assumptions:

The building will meet up to date standards
The building will be more efficient

Comparable Facility Analysis: Using data from,

Older building design
New building design
Comparable building designs

Factors Affecting Planning: Some problems could occur, such as,

Not enough money due to other building costs
Is its worth coming up with the money to rebuild?
Should Eppler just be renovated instead?

Space Needs and Allocation:

Efficient amount of parking space for students and professors
Wide hall ways
Space-ish class rooms
Efficient size elevators
Safety Exits
ADA standards

Purpose and Use of Auxiliary Space:

Storage rooms
Office space for staff members
Janitor rooms
Service Facilities:
Computer labs

Environmental Necessities:

Recycling options in class rooms and bathrooms
Automatic lights
Solar panels

Equipment and Furnishings:

ADA accessible Desks
Updated computer technology
Sound system for class rooms
Projection features
Wide amount of space in each class room

It is important to propose a program statement when renovating or remodeling a building because it informs the contractor, board officials, and staff its purpose. A program statement can be compared to a blue print of the “master plan.” One needs to be able to see that all of the questions and answers have been address narrative form.

One thought on “Program Statement

  1. lona
    9:23 PM - 9-22-2010

    Emmily: Very detailed. I can show you how to link from the text of the post, and I think some other students would like to know this as well.

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