The Bowling Green Ice Arena was built in 1967, and contains a 5,000-seat hockey rink, a curling rink, a figure skating studio, a skate shop and Center Ice Club. The overall presentation of the ice arena appears to be old and outdated. In interior is also out dated but changes and updates have been made. According to Sawyer chapter 8, projected use of facility and recommendations, the floor of the ice arena does seem to be efficient. There are various areas in the facility, such as the front entrance, where skaters can access without having to remove their skates. Although there are not areas like this everywhere throughout the facility I feel that this is something they arena could improve on. By adding additional areas where skaters do not have to their skates such as, bathrooms and lock rooms, will make the building more efficient and manageable for users.

Overall I believe that the BGSU Ice Arena can be comparable to the Recreation Center on campus because they are both out of date, but important attractions when recruiting students. According to the Bowling Green website, “Board of Trustees approved construction of the ice arena in order to “improve and advance the health and physical education program on campus. Continuous renovation and expansion of the facilities served to maintain the contemporary nature of the building throughout the decades.” The previous statement shows me that, Bowling Green plans to continue to update and renovate the facility in order to keep up with the times. In my opinion, the ice arena seems to be such an outdated facility that rebuilding should be discussed not updating of the building.

2 thoughts on “Ice Arena Tour

  1. lona
    5:42 PM - 12-6-2010

    Love the old picture!

  2. rburris
    11:10 PM - 12-6-2010

    First off I really like the picture that you found to put with your reflection and I also agree about how outdated but important this facility is.

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