I will admit that at first I was very indifferent about the Blog Project. The first day of lab I was stressing out about the entire assignment complaining that is was time consuming, difficult to understand and pointless. I can say that my views have certainly changed since then and really enjoyed doing the writing assignments. I think the blog was perfect for someone like me because I tend to be a perfectionist and knowing that anyone could look at my page really challenged me to do my best when writing the posts. I also thought it was very beneficial skill to learn how to use a blog and the different challenges that came with it.  Overall, I hope that everyone enjoyed the Blog assignment and appreciates the lessons learned from creating your own blog. I hope all who read my blog posts are pleased and have fun looking at the pictures and YouTube videos!


-Well organized and easy to read

– Good color scheme and background

– meets rubric requirements

– Displays entertaining pictures and video clips

– engages other classmates comments

– Thoughtful blog posts


– Posts maybe too long which may cause bloggers to not take the time to read them

– Bloggers may find the blog theme to be boring


– engaging more in other peoples blogs which in return will increase the traffic on my page


– Someone hacking into my blog

– Other bloggers (competition)

One thought on “SWOT Analysis

  1. Lona
    11:55 PM - 12-8-2010

    Emmily: I hope you don’t mind, I am going to share your reflection with students next semester. I’m very excited that you like the project, many students during the presentation day noted similar initial frustrations and then pride in the end. Surprise, this was a great lesson in the process for learning any new technology.

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