eraabe on September 28th, 2010

On September 14, 2010 Assistant Vice President of Capital Planning, Bob Waddle, came to talk with our TLEP 4830 class about the different construction projects happening on and around Bowling Green’s campus. Although Bob did not get to answer questions that students had prepared by the end of class, I believe his presentation was informative […]

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eraabe on September 19th, 2010

After assessing the BGSU campus for the ADA scavenger hunt I have concluded that, Bowling Green State University is doing its best in order to meet ADA standards. Below are some examples of different ways BGSU is trying to maintain inclusion. Wheelchair ramps into library Handicap parking available in all lots Pool lift which is […]

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eraabe on September 19th, 2010

“A Program Statement is a detailed description of the functional requirements, expressed in narrative form, that are to be achieved in a construction project. It is required for each capital improvement project and recommended for many smaller projects as well. It is applicable to new construction, remodeling and renovation projects (Indiana Program Statement).” According to […]

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eraabe on September 19th, 2010

The Brooklyn case study is a very controversial issue because all sides create an unrivaled argument. The controversy concerning the Brooklyn case can be summed up in one phrase, Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn. Brooklyn is currently facing city growing pains when compared to its neighbor Manhattan and developers such as, Bruce Ratner, are seizing the […]

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eraabe on September 7th, 2010

Today we are learning how to use our blog! I feel dumb while trying to understand how to use this program.

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