Tyler Buchanan
My name is Tyler Buchanan, and I’m a Junior Journalism major and political science minor at BGSU. I am from Bellevue, Ohio.
I write for the BGNews, in my first year as a reporter and third as a columnist.
I also write for the Examiner, a hyper local online news website. I cover the Elections 2012 and Gambling beats for the Cleveland Examiner.
Ryan Satkowiak
My name is Ryan Satkowiak, and I am a junior print journalism major from Fresno, Calif. (it’s a long story). I have been writing for The BG News since September of my freshman year, almost exclusively as a sportswriter. I currently serve as the BG News’ sports editor.
I basically figured out my freshman year of high school that I wanted to write about sports because I love sports, and I didn’t want to get stuck doing a boring 8-5 Monday-Friday job. (I’ve had one “real” job in my life. A file clerk at a law office, and it sucked). Working with the paper has helped me meet great people and develop good connections. The opportunities I’ve had from working with the BG News have also been awesome. Below is a picture of me and former NHL all-star and BG alumni Rob Blake, who I got to meet when he came back to campus last year.
Nikia J. Washington
My name Nikia Washington, commonly known as Kia. I am a print journalism student, with a passion for writing, which essentially lead me to this field of study. On Bowling Green’s campus, I participate as a assistant director of Dance Marathon and a videographer for the BG Football team. I am also a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., where I serve as the philanthropy chair.
I am originally from Cleveland, OH, but have lived in Farmington Hills, Mich. for the past 12 years. As the oldest of three children, I am the first to be shipped off to college.
In my experience as an aspiring journalist I have worked with BG-24, BG on TV and the Key and Obsidian magazines. I also worked briefly for the start up of a magazine in the Washington, D.C. area. Lately, I have been exploring writing fiction, which is quickly becoming a new hobby of mine. My ideal job is to work my way up through a magazine production company and to eventually, establish my own.
Sarah Bailey
My name is Sarah Bailey, and I am a junior and journalism major at BGSU, minoring in marketing. I am orginially from Loveland, Ohio. This past summer, I interned at the Cincinnati Enquirer where I was given the opportunity to write stories for the local news section and for Our Town Magazine. I have also written for The BG News and the Key Magazine during my time here at the university. Writing is my passion and I couldn’t imagine my life without it. I enjoy writing about fashion, entertainment, health, and mostly positive stories that showcase people in the community. I hope to one day write, market or do publishing for a major magazine.
In addition to journalism related activites, I am a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. During my membership I have served as vice president of communications, historian, chair of the leadership and nominating committee and I am currently the chair of the policy and standards board.
Scooter Shenefield
I am finishing my undergrad at BGSU. I am studying sport management and journalism. After graduation I would like to get into a sports information office. I have some experience with this through BG’s athletic communication office.
This semester I am also working as reporter for the <a href="http://www.bgnews.com/" The BGNEWS. I hope to learn as much as I can, and improve my writing tenfold.
Kelsey Klein
Hello, World. I am a junior Women’s Studies major at BGSU, with minors in Journalism and Sociology. I currently work as a writing tutor at the BGSU Learning Commons. I am also treasurer of the BGSU Organization for Women’s Issues, event coordinator for the BGSU chapter of Triota (a national women’s studies honorary), and a volunteer with Victims Services of Behavioral Connections.
As you can see from the things I do, women’s studies and women’s issues are my true passions. I love the written word as it applies to social activism and the lives of people. Thus, feature writing is my favorite journalistic style, though I am much more of an academic, research-orienented writer than a journalist. Nothing makes me happier than churning out a 20 page paper on something like the politics of bisexual female representation and community at BGSU (which was an actual project of mine last semester).
Professionally, it is my goal to earn a Ph.D in Sexology or Social Work (or both!) and work with community-based sex education programs and research, and with interpersonal violence victims.
In my spare time, which is difficult to find, I am a rabid BGSU hockey and Pittsburgh Penguins fan, an Alice in Wonderland aficionado, and a lover of warm, fuzzy things like bunny slippers.
(Photo credit to Breanna Ridgeway/Bree Lea Photography)
Tia Woodel
My name is Tia Woodel and I’m a senior working for a Print Journalism major and Women’s Studies minor at BGSU. I’ve worked at The BG News as a copy editor during the summer of 2011 and worked as an intern in the fall. As an intern, I not only continued to copy edit, but I worked on improving my reporting skills as I wrote weekly stories. I also designed one to two pages for each Monday paper, including photo spreads and campus pages.
Before working with The BG News, I interned with the Beacon newspaper out of Ottawa County. Working there helped me acquire basic journalism skills that I still use today.
When I’m not working on journalism projects, I’m attending meetings as the membership coordinator for the new on-campus organization, Triota. Triota is a Women’s Studies Honors Society that works to promote and support excellence and scholarship in Women’s Studies.
While I’ve only had the opportunity to have internships with newspapers, I hope to one day work for a magazine.
Stephan Reed
I have worked in the print journalism world for almost four years and I have done everything from newspaper layout, to reporting, to column writing, to copy editing, to photography.
I am currently the Forum Editor at The BG News located on campus at Bowling Green State University.
My goal is to become a reporter for Rolling Stone. I am a musician and I am a writer; what better way to live my life than writing stories about the colorful personalities in the music industry?
Jason Jones
My name is Jason Jones. I’m from an upstate New York town called Lowville. After high school I knew I wanted to get away and start somewhere new, so, I ended up in Bowling Green. Now I’m just two semesters away from graduating, and it’s a pretty exciting feeling.
I’m a Public Relations major. Right now I’m not sure where my ideal career path would take me. I wish I did, but I simply don’t. I think it would incredibly exciting to work for a big firm somewhere in a nice city like New York, but then I’d also find doing public relations for a professional sports team exciting.
As far as writing is concerned, I’ve always had an interest in Sports. During my first two years hear at BGSU, I worked as a sports reporter for The BG News, covering golf, rugby, soccer, football, and basketball. I fell out of the love with the whole thing however after a miserable semester spent working as the Assistant Sports Editor. Through a combination of reasons, I came to realize that it wasn’t right for me, and I left.
Now I’m enjoying my time here at BGSU. Going to class, writing, becoming involved with PRSSA, and playing on the Lacrosse team. It’s all good fun.
I’m excited to get things started with this blog.
Bri Haller
I’m a junior Print Journalism major with a minor in Political Science at Bowling Green State University. I’ve been working with the BG News since 2010 and have skills in writing, copy editing and design. I hope to launch a career at a newspaper in a major city such as Washington D.C.
Erin Cox
I am currently a junior at BGSU with a major in journalism and a minor in popular culture. I am originally from Van Wert, Ohio, attended Miami University starting in 2009 and transfered
to BGSU in the fall of 2011.
I worked at the Miami Student for a semester while I was at Miami and then interned at The Times Bulletin in Van Wert during the summer of 2011. While working for The Times Bulletin, I had experience doing an online broadcast as the sports reporter. I learned to shoot, edit and upload video to the website. I also wrote hard news and feature stories for the newspaper. After my experience with my small town newspaper, I hope to one day work for a similar newspaper because I like using all types of media and having a wide variety of topics to cover rather than just one beat.
I now write for The BG News where I have a Pulse beat to cover concerts and the music scene in Bowling Green. I also do a weekly movie review. I hope to keep involved in entertainment journalism as I further my career as well.
Sara Shipley Hiles
I’m a longtime journalist and a second-year instructor in the Journalism & PR Department at BGSU. During my career, I’ve written for newspapers and magazines, co-authored a book, worked in public relations and dabbled in editing and multimedia. At BGSU, I have taught media law, writing, reporting, environmental journalism and other topics.
I look forward to exploring the world of feature writing with my students. I can’t wait to see their work!