ekral’s IPC411 class blog

CH 5

Posted in by on the October 17, 2008

Embodiment, agency and grace, personhood-who you think you are when logged onto SecondLife are all key components of chapter 5. People are avatars on secondlife. They portray different characteristics on secondlife than who they really are in reality. This draws upon several ethical issues pertaining to decency and conduct. One question that comes to mind is are these people being truthful about their identity and who they are when they are portraying different values and personalities. 

This bring upon several things to mind… When I was on secondlife an example of this situation would be people that identify themselves as aliens or weird creatures on secondlife when we really know that they do not look and act this way in reality with the exception of halloween or special occasions where it is appropriate. So what makes it appropriate in secondlife? We dont really know the boundries yet, but I`m sure as I continue to gain more experience, I will find out why these people put on these masks and identities that are not their own. Maybe they are releasing some sort of inner connection and they are able to express these things on secondlife as an avatar than they are either at their real job or in social gatherings where it is unacceptable. 

Personhood is discussed in a broader range in this chapter and one can learn by experience what this chapter is really talking about. Through chatting with strangers online that have these different identities I plan to obtain answers and information about these peoples lives and how they live them in accordance to their real lives.

Until then,


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