ekral’s IPC411 class blog

E-mail trumps p-mail

Posted in by on the September 3, 2008

I am this blog about the effects and power email has over regular postal mail. There are many advantages and disadvantages that come with identifying the key components of email and postal mail. As technological advances keep on occurring overtime, email will continue to grow as a power form of communication rather than the outdated and sometimes costly method of sending mail through the postal service. Its interesting to watch how these changes have occurred overtime because it has happened in my lifetime.

I still remember when I was younger and computers were not my main source of communication to friends and family that are long distance. I use to send my friends cards with my own hand writing in it. Now, I am contacted through either my cell phone or by email. We are developing into a multitasking nation, and it is necessary to receive information fast and also give out information at a very rapid speed. Email has this invisible form of authority over many of us. Email has this sense of need that we use everyday. Postal mail has since then been behind the scenes due to our changing and growing economy. We depend on this form of communication so much that it created power within itself.

People today still find the postal service useful, and every-time I visit to send mail it is always crowded. Packages are the main things going through p-mail, but that is because it is impossible to send them through email~ Email gains power and authority sole by the people themselves through the efficiency and effectively of the programs.

-Elizabeth Kral-


Adding on to the previous findings of how email is becoming more of a way of communicating more so than regular postal mail. I have an experience to validate some arguments that I previously discussed about. As we all know, there are more and more ways that are becoming relevant to the fact that we still need pmail(postal mail) as a way of getting things out there. I bring upon a personal experience to prove that we need both in todays society. I recently ended a class in the summer that had a text book that would not sell at any of the local buy back book stores. I turned to amazon.com to sell this item. During my experience with selling on amazon.com I noticed that in order to send the buyer the book, pmail was needed. Email was also needed to communicate back and forth from buyer to seller to ensure accuracy and no mishaps. Since phone contact is not an option to get a hold of my buyer, email was the only resort.

I found that by using email to contact my buyer, it made it more efficient and accurate as to what I needed to say in a timely manner. When it came down to the time where I sent the book to her, I ended up sending it through the post office. It did have a $5.00 fee to send it. I noticed that this was becoming the main problem with people not sending things through the mail anymore. The price of stamps and sending packages is becoming more and more expensive, and in a society where we live in today its getting harder to fork over that money to send the items through the mail. This is a main determinant as to why email has becoming a greater reliance in communication.

Until next time…

-Elizabeth Kral-

One thought on “E-mail trumps p-mail

  1.   Matthew said,

    on September 6th, 2008 at 12:19 am      

    I completely disagree, may god had mercy on your sole. Just kidding, your writing is very powerful and i completely agree that we are developing a multi tasking nation. People from Mentor can be classified as snobby gay is better than snobby.

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